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In which I reveal the latest product I might review for the channel :)


Day 103 — Pavlok shocks?

In which I reveal the latest product I might review for the channel



I have to say, apart from just you guys being awesome together, what I like about this video is that it shows how diligent you are in evaluating a product before recommending it or not. I would consider maybe making this video public in some shape or form, to show people how you come to recommend stuff, and whether they can base their choice around your verdict. Keep it up!


New patreon tier: $1000 a month - be able to shock Jessica twice a day by typing !shock in discord


...maybe twice a week, I just was thinking twice a day is a lot!


I never did see a follow-up for the one that just vibrates at preset times. Did you post something? And I have to hide this from my husband. He has joked about getting something like this for me and our son >_>


And I was wondering about the single "dislike" but I know there are also bots which go around to high-performing sites and throw a couple of thumbs down up there--that's actually a metric for how popular something is :P Hope you don't mind me going down the comments to people who were "you should do a video on x!!" ... and linking them the video you did on x :P That's my own little compulsion :D


I would have lots of reservations about this device. Getting rid of bad habits without replacing them or getting to the underlying issue is not always a good idea. I underwent some therapy as a kid to reduce my and almost entirely eliminate my stimming only for a therapist in my 40's to work with my to bring it back in appropriate ways. I also wonder if people on the spectrum how are hyposensitve like me and seek out sensation would find this device having the opposite effects and possible be dangerous.


I have not been on call for work for a little over a year for the first time in about 25 years. I have impressed people because I can be wide awake and be able to work in 5-10 minutes after getting woken up. My girlfriend who had surgery last year, woke up at 2-3 AM itching all over. Within 10 minutes I got lotion from the nurses and was putting it on her, so loved the fact I could do it. Now the slightest sound wakes me up now. But I have been programmed to be able to do it. The biggest problem I have is actually falling asleep. OK, just had to say this, it looks shockingly interesting. API calls I could have fun with that one.