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In which I read an excerpt from Dr. Joel T. Nigg's recent book "Getting Ahead of ADHD" and talk about my response to the Netflix Documentary "Take Your Pills"


Day 69 - How ADHD meds affect the brain long term

In which I read an excerpt from Dr. Joel T. Nigg's recent book "Getting Ahead of ADHD" and talk about my response to the Netflix Documentary "Take Your Pills"



A couple of things from my observation. First I am going to send Jessica a more detailed email. Any medication can be abused, food can abused. My opinion, there should always be a concern when giving a child medications due to the fact a child's body is not fully developed. Is there a difference between real ADHD medication and speed, again my opinion probably so since one is a targeted medication. What is the name of the Netflix documentary? I hate when a documentary only shows one side of the "whole" story. I found a YouTube video that says ADHD is not real and literally pokes fun of how to test for it. Things did not get better for me until I was put on specific ADHD medication. However, I found out later that it worked well with a combination of another medications. Because of my misconceptions of ADHD, I was diagnosed in my mid 40's, but did not seek medication specific to it for almost 5-6 years or more later enough to really screw up my life. I do agree that a combination of both medications and learning coping skills are probably the best approach.


Glad I found out that there is more Jess and ADHD goodness over here


I think I could listen to you talk research and read excerpts all day. It's fascinating. I hope all your hard work pays off with the director of Take Your Pills. I would love to see a movement toward getting rid of the stigma of not only medication for ADHD, but for all mental/behavioral illnesses.


Let's make a counter documentary XD hahaha I actually have been thinking about writing a book!


You got to be F'ing kidding me! I just heard you talk about Edward's coping mechanism. I was INSANE at being able to repeat everything that was just said by someone, even if I was reading a book and not paying attention at all! That is nuts.


When I was diagnosed at age 7 back in 1979/1980 my parents where afraid of the meds and my dad also believed that ADD back then was just a behavioral problem. So no treatment. Now I'm 45, got re-diagnoaed, completely forgot I had add/adhd cause I was like 7 and don't really remember this myself. But For me, not treating me was an issue. I ended up in foster care just over a year later due to my parents "discipline" over my behavior. Reunited with my family after a year or so in foster care. The last three years have been nearly nightmarish as my adhd symptoms came to a head and my coping mechanisms no longer worked. Thank God for my Therapist who after a year of seeing her picked up on some of my symptoms.


I so wish they would respond!! But better that don't so they can see your video first


Right there with you, Victoria, in that ever coping strategy I had used for the majority of my life stopped working in my early 30's. I am sorry your parents didn't understand what your diagnosis MEANT, and for their idea of 'discipline' :(