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Oops! I got the protest hashtag wrong in the video — it’s actually #ITakeMyPillsBecause and it’s doing incredibly well on Twitter already! Join in if you like!


Day 68 Part Two — “Take Your Pills”

Oops! I got the protest hashtag wrong in the video — it’s actually #ITakeMyMedsBecause (on Twitter) feel free to join in!



My experience with people who have to take contevesal medication is about the same. I know someone who knew someone who overdosed in a controlled environment from taking cough syrup with codeine. So any medication that has any form of codeine is bad. I take a derivative of codeine for my back and this person does not like it for. With out it there are night I would not get sleep (like last night). This medication is 50 times less likely to be addictive, yet is just as effective. I take a baby dose of the medication and have researched it too. This person takes medication for depression, that is OK and taking Tylenol is OK. If you that enough Tylenol you can die, so what is the difference. My primary care doctor who first put me on a real ADHD medication, once told me he could tell when it was finals for college and high school times because his patients who needed the medication would be renewing it to study. To me this is a form of addiction, you either take all the time or not. I take two medication that work very well and I can function with them. However it is documentaries and people's ignorance that causes me to have to jump through hoops to get the medication. In fact I moved and have been able to get some one to prescribe my ADHD medications almost a year later. I once saw a doctor who did not believe in ADHD. It is difficult enough to find the right combination of medication that works best for your blood chemistry let alone people trying to ban it. When I was in high school marijuana was a gateway drug to other harder drugs, yet states are legalizing it. I say we should do our own documentary to tell the truth. Wait we are it is called HowToADHD!!!!!!!


link to the discord chat?


#ADHDArmy sounds pretty good, actually. ;)


It was very nice to be a part of the conversation on Discord last night while we watched the documentary together. It makes me proud to be a part of the new hashtag on Twitter too. I basically don't use my Twitter, but used it for this specific hashtag, just to help represent. I'm proud to be part of this army/tribe!


I thought it was an interesting documentary. I'm in my early forties and only recently diagnosed, so I'm still learning about ADHD and the medications. I didn't feel offended by it.


I watched it. They’ve done it now...they’ve pissed off a mom of one child with Asperger’s and one with ADHD. I’m practiced at advocating! Oh yeah, I probably have ADHD myself and am now hyper focused on helping all the brains who are now also my children (however old they are). 🥊 Lisa ❤️+🧠


I'm pretty sure if we would have already taken over the planet if we remembered all of our plans


"We'll try take over the world! They're Thinky, yes Thinky and the Brain!" XD I vote we make a parody haha

How to ADHD

You weren’t kidding! Just saw your comment about Maria Shriver — yes, agreed! They wanna talk let’s talk!


I'm not a judgemental person but it's really hard when there's so much negativity! How about we come up with Positive Solutions to get rid of the problem or as they say, epidemic. Everyone has their own opinion and we all have the right to express those opinions! However, it's unfair to broadcast your opinion when you don't have accurate information and your entire point of view is bias and some what hypocritical! Now you make innocent people in this situation, who you vaguely categorize in one box, feel shameful! Watch if you haven't already👉🏽 <a href="https://youtu.be/L-cq_HKdQwc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/L-cq_HKdQwc</a>

How to ADHD

I did, yeah :/ I was trying to find ways to incorporate Christina's backstory into the video but it kept coming across as a personal attack, so I think I'm just gonna explain in the description and link to the interview.


Good idea! Let people draw their own conclusion!