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Day 49 — Sticking to a Schedule, Updating Your Calendar When Things Change

Yes, that is totally Brandy in the background reminding me to fill her water bowl because the puppy drank it all. Brandy has learned to remind me of many things 😂



Augh the old time management issue. Oh, by the way the other dog was thirsty, she was trying to get a drink from the water dispenser.


I sent you an email to HowToADHD with 3 files and a suggestion of how to incorporate IT Project Management techniques into your world to get a handle on things. It is just a suggestion, it might spawn off an even better idea. I had to learn to write down maintenance work I was going to do at 2AM in the morning. At first I resisted, but by thinking about what I needed to do when it was not 2AM in the morning, I would remember things make a list of what I needed to do. That way it was like a script, so it was plan my work, work my plan. Oh, and always have a back out plan if things go bad.


"I want to do all the thiiinngs!" 😊 You are doing a great job!


You did a video on Bullet Journaling. Do you use this scheduling technique? If you do, it allows for changes in your schedule


Funny, I have tried that for years, have a schedule, goes out the window, then get the mindset I am going to keep track of my real time schedule so I know what actually happens, next thing I know a few weeks have gone by and then I remember, "Wasn't I going to keep a real time calendar of my schedule" Only thing that has changed for me over the years is now instead of beating myself up for not doing something, I just shrug it off and smile and try to accept who I am :). Try is the key word lol.


This is a WONDERFUL goal <3 I have a bullet journal...but I cheated and am doing mine in a discbound notebook :P It's letting me now go back and throw in pre-printed week sheets where I can write down what I plan to happen... and then on the usual pages I can do a journal style of what really DID happen :P You can do the same with washi tape, or write down the 'plan' on post-it notes, and then remove those and write down what really happened. I find keeping the 'real' calendar by hand works better for me, but I know you also have to work with Google Calendar, and keeping that updated and shuffling everything around when life changes is harder (for me). In the app version (clicking on +), there is a way to set a goal, like working out or cleaning or drinking water, and Google will suggest when you can do that . You can also set the goal to update Google Calendar :P I like doing this every morning to review/modify the day's plan, and every evening to re-review and put in notations about future things I committed to. Also sitting down on whatever day is the day BEFORE your work week starts (Sunday?) and reviewing and filling in the commitments for that week.


I should say... I completely lost the ability to schedule a month ago. I had been doing pretty well at updating things, if not accomplishing anything, and never EVER missed an appointment or a meeting. Since I started the Adderall so many things have gotten better... but I've lost track of the day COMPLETELY. I missed the appointment to talk to my doctor ABOUT the Adderall, I forgot I'd signed up to chaperone a field trip for my son, and I'm lucky if I remember what month it is. I'm not sure what's up, so doubling down on scheduling and double checking the schedule seems to be best :P