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Day 47 — Finishing up the Valentine’s Day episode + puppy snuggles



Augh the dreaded blue screen of death. Every PC technicians nightmare. Good luck 👍


Oh I do not think the dog likes it there at all .... NOT !!!! He is too cute.


Looking forward to this video! After 15 years, you'd think my husband and I would have relationship stuff down. But no. Last year I discovered that his favorite pastries were cream danish, and this year that (despite eating those sawdust-consistency boxed powdered donuts every time he gets a chance) he really doesn't like the chocolate old-fashions I was buying him every weekend for the past few years. MY RELATIONSHIP IS BUILT ON LIES. :P Actually, our main struggle is with communication, and me admitting when I need help. We've spent most of our relationship apart (me moving away for college, him having a job that required working on-site in other states for months at a time) or working opposite shifts. This made us very independent, but it also made communicating very hard because minor things festered until they were BIG issues. And I think it's hard for ADHD brains to handle communication and asking for help in general :P Seeing you and Edward working as a team is amazing and inspirational. I know it's not all roses and sunshine, especially with creative types, but you both blow me away.


I agree with the commnication issue and being independent. I have spent so much of my life alone it is hard at times. The woman I am dating now and I are working very hard on things, but it is not easy by any manor. I get so overloaded that I cannot think straight and do not know what to say. It is a work in progress.


I am catching up on videos tonight because I have been stuck in hyperfocus Olympic watching mode. It's not a terrible place to be, but I have forgotten that other people and videos exist! Also, I must say that I love to see the clutter in the background because it's exactly what my apartment looks like. It's just little things like that that remind me that I'm not alone in my "quirks".