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Day 46 — Technical Difficulties & a VDay Ask Us Anything!

Edward’s computer decided not to cooperate, so he’s switching to a PC to finish “habits” — in the meantime, we wanted to get something up for Valentine’s Day so check out the Facebook post or post questions for @howtoadhd in the Behind the Brains Discord chat!



OK, you keep putting the dog in the video and every time I see it I want to get the rescue Elkhound that I have found that is in West Virginia. Of course not knowing my employment situation makes it really rough to actually do it. Today is my clean the crap out of my apartment that that I do not need anymore. Long story but I may be moving somewhere soon if I do not get a job or find one that pays enough. So it is time to downsize, basically to nothing.


The reasons are stressful, but decluttering is something that can really help ADHD brains. The less stuff you have to keep track of or have to worry about cleaning up, the more brainpower is free for other things :D


I am working on doing a major purge of things. My second marriage failed and officially ended August 16, 2016. I moved out and basically just grabbed stuff and moved out. I was supposed to go through things after I was moved, but the next 6 to 8 months was a horrible time for me. I got a new job in a new city April of 2017, and basically just boxed up with out sorting (I did not have time). I was moved in less than 3 weeks. I resigned that position because it was no different than the one I left. I am trying to find a happy medium with things. It is not easy.