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Were you meant to link the Ted Talk?


So how did you have burnout but still give a damn enough to put music in the vlog? You're like... INCREDIBLY disciplined. If it were me, the video would be COMPLETELY uneditted lol

How to ADHD

YouTube makes it easy to upload from the app, you can add music and trim if it needs it, just basic stuff :D I didn't have to leave the couch

How to ADHD

No prob! And if you need to/have the energy to do more, you can go to YouTube in your browser and switch to desktop mode for more options.


LOL i clicked the link in the mail i got and i watched your whole ted talk again. Emotional roller coaster:D But hey it reminded me how much that i know about adhd is because of you. I'm so thankful that sometimes, if i think about your channel, i could cry. You're always (ok no one is perfect, lets say 99%) setting a good example. AND i would like to add that the work you're doing is at least as helpful,effective and important as working as any kind of people who (for example) works as a social worker or anyone that works with people in need. Thanks again:3 i know you're getting gratitude messages every day, but you really deserve them pretty damn hard.


I really want to underline (thus making another new comment, bear with me one last time) that don't have to feel obligated to upload a vlog every day. It's good to hear that you're taking some time off, but as I said, we sure won't mind if you have nothing useful to say (happens) So please, continue respecting yourself as you do and don't let them become a chore :p love


I agree. Never feel bad about posting a message or something to tell us you need a vacation or some time off. Make sure to take care of yourself!

How to ADHD

thanks guys :D that means a lot. I think I'll probably do these only Monday-Friday since that's the "professional youtuber" schedule I'm trying to build for myself. I'm hoping it'll help keep me on track. Vlog days = oh right, I'm a professional youtuber now, time to work; no vlog days = oh right, I'm also a person, JESSICA GO DO SOMETHING ELSE FOR AWHILE :D


The really good thing about being your own boss is that you really CAN take things at your own pace. As long as you keep us posted and keep moving forward, we're good! I mean, we have ADHD too - it's not like we won't understand if you're feeling burned out. :) Don't forget, you're Jessica first, and you're "Jessica from How to ADHD" second. Take care of yourself this weekend! Stay hydrated! Get rest! GO BE JESSICA FOR A BIT!

How to ADHD

I will :) Edward and I are even gonna go get a Christmas tree and decorate it together🎄 also Star Wars!!!


"We don't make mistakes, just happy accidents" - Bob Ross ... I just HAD to quote this :D It fits so much


If I had a dollar for every time I did not do what was on my list of I am going to do that day I would be rich. You are right down time is needed, period. It gives you time to recharge yourself. This way you can do things at your best when you do them. If I am tired, I know that I cannot do my best. So, if it I need to do something that needs focus and attention, I will put it off till I can put 100% into it. Remember a full time VLogger does not mean 24 hours a day. The stress of doing a job interview, wiped me out for about 4 hours today. After it I kept replaying things I could have or not done better. Time will tell. I get to do another one on Monday, oh yea.... So, one on Thursday, Friday then Monday. Oh, and yea I was going to work on my apartment while I was unemployed. That is not going very well either. Enjoy the break and relax.