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Day 3! (From this morning, finally uploading)

In which I lament my limited power over technology and try to explain how to overcome distractions



Haahaaaa... you started talking about managing distractions...and I went "Oh crud, I'm supposed to be working right now!!", went and did some things in the database, realized your video was still playing...and I had gotten distracted away from it because you reminded me that my boring work exists. *headdesk* I will watch these excellent tips AGAIN (probably several times) and this time take notes :P


Does anyone else get distracted about being distracted? Like, you're trying to work on something, and you're trying to focus, so you keep thinking, "Don't look at that," "Ignore that," "Block that out," "Focus," and then my thoughts about not get distracted are distracting me.


Thank you for the tip. Along those lines I have a lot of trouble getting out of bed in the morning. Perhaps that could be an episode idea?


Thats acutally some pretty dope advice! Thank you. ♥


OK, first thing, Edward is wearing a hat while the ceiling fan is on..... So, you are cold (wearing a hat), but have the ceiling fan on... OK, just joking on that one. Your print out issue sounds like hidden characters or non-standard characters. This would cause the printing of blank sheets up paper. If you could copy and paste it into a word document, I have ways to remove the formatting issues for in the future. I agree with removing the distractions when trying to do something. I loved having a DVR with the satellite when I was married. If my wife was talking to me I could pause what I was focused on (IE the TV) and listen to what she was saying without missing anything. I also liked it because, I would record something and skip through the commercial. I would easily get sidetracked and bored watching shows just for the commercials. Doing something that I really do not want to do, still working on that one.


I forgot to ask, does it sound weird saying professional Vlogger?

How to ADHD

Professional vlogger yes, cause I’m not really a vlogger (although I did just start a vlog)

How to ADHD

Professional YouTuber is accurate but even weirder cause I’ve been working toward it so long...it doesn’t even feel real yet ☺️ it’s exciting though

How to ADHD

Edward actually wears a beanie most of the time, he calls it a "head hug" :D


Well you are doing a great job !!!! I appreciate all that you do, the advice that you have given everyone else and me. Like I said before, I believe in you. You are working on something that you have an interest in and ARE making a difference !!!


I struggle so hard stopping something i find enjoyable to start something i need to do that is less enjoyable. And if i have the time, say 45m before I have to do the thing in a rush I will most likely start the thing in 45 m and waste my time only half enjoying whatever I'm postponing it with cause I look at the clock and see that its 12.26 now so I'll start at 12.30.. and then go back to the thing and next I look at the time it'll be 12.32 and past the time I set so I'll start at 12.35 instead and so it goes without really enjoying the distracting thing and stressing about knowing I'll stress about the important thing being rushed