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Hello Patreon Brains!

First of all, THANK YOU for still being here amid the chaos of the new system Patreon is implementing.

Second, I’ve been listening and talking with you about your concerns and to be honest I’m not happy about the change as well and I don’t know any creator who is. So Edward and I both reached out to Patreon to (kindly) express our and your concerns.

Our contact at Patreon, who is the head of creator care and I have met and hugged personally on multiple occasions, finally got back to us and —

Long story short, Patreon is not making a cash grab, but they know they did a terrible job of communicating why these changes are being made and so she invited us to join a call with them next week to clarify anything their updated FAQ didn’t cover and talk about next steps.

She said Patreon knows they messed up and is actively collecting all of the feedback. She said she can’t promise anything but we’ll be hearing more from Patreon in the coming days and weeks. So they’re listening.

I’ll post more info tomorrow, including a full explanation of what is happening and why as I understand it (there’s a lot of misinformation and guesses flying around, which is what understandably happens when companies don’t communicate changes well).

Thank you all again and if you have any more feedback please feel free to comment. Love you all —




I look forward to hearing what is going on. With my schedule I dont have time to do much research into this.


I just started, so I have no idea. I just wonder why you can not pay quarterly, annually, etc.


I just want to support you and your work, so I will continue to contribute to your patreon as long as this is the platform you choose to use! I hope these changes are causing too much stress and turmoil. <3


Can someone please tell me what and where the brain board is ect.? I am lost, I thought the first day I signed up people were chatting? Thanks off topic :) Surprise

How to ADHD

Hey Lisa! Thanks for joining!!! The Brain Board livestream happens once a month, it’s on the 16th this month at noon Pacific time. We’ll post a reminder and then a link when it’s starting. There’s also a brain board chat room on Discord :)


Thank you for looking into this. What most people don't know is that each donation actually comes with transaction costs. Years ago I talked with Patreon's help because I wanted to find out the best way to donate (to limit wasted $ from fee's). Patreon has to pay different fee's for each method. For example, if you use paypal, you lose a % for paypals fee and for the transaction. The feedback I got was using a checking account results in the most efficient & lowest fees for the system overall. The new rules are a genuine attempt to try to reconcile a complicated system, for the purpose of giving creators a more reliable estimate of monthly income.


You’re like a prophet Jessica... I’m trying to walk on h2ohhhhh no she didn’t (lol) ❤️JessicaEsther


The BrainBoard is referenced in the donation values. $25 per month or more.


If they are not in a dire situation where they need to make this change or they cease to exist (a situation that I'm sure everyone agrees is bad) then they really should at this point stop and rethink how they do this.

How to ADHD

UPDATE: Wrote another long email to Heather at Patreon again and she got back right away — we’ve got a call scheduled for Wednesday at 11am PST. We’ll know more then and pass all of that info on to you ❤️


Note: "We messed up communicating" is a euphemism for "you don't understand why we're right" and is the opposite of an apology. FWIW, over the last couple of days my opinion about the change switched rather drastically to "radically opposed". They might be well-meaning, but there is no way around it: By not bundling charges per month anymore, they make small pledges or per-creation pledges *far* worse off (indeed, even I deleted a pledge to a different creator, because it's per-creation and they post ~twice a week - that just can't work). They should just prorate pledges (i.e. if I sign up on the 29th of Nov, they charge me 1/30 of my pledge then and a full month on the 1st of Dec) or *something*. I fully understand what they intended to do and fix with what they did, but what they are implementing is a *terrible* fix for that… Anyway, I hope they actually *fix* it, not just "explain to us why we don't understand how good this change is" :-|


Hey Brain :) Been following along with the Patreon drama on their end and wanted to pass on some resources for you: <a href="https://www.gizmodo.com.au/2017/12/why-everyone-is-mad-at-patreon-now/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.gizmodo.com.au/2017/12/why-everyone-is-mad-at-patreon-now/</a> and in particular, Amy Hoy's tweetstorm that I think is bang on. Here's the thing: your stuff is AMAZING. Life changing, even. And while obviously you want to focus on other things besides marketing yourself and getting payments etc, I think you could do this yourself. See Amy's take: <a href="https://twitter.com/amyhoy/status/938969337163067393?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/amyhoy/status/938969337163067393?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw</a>(ugh return submits the post... editing...) Bottom line, I will keep paying you as long as I can and wherever you will accept my money ;) But if you want any help getting your OWN subscription model up using something like Stripe payments (so you can start to control your own messaging and cover your own costs in a predictable way) I can probably do that quickly and because I love you brains, for free (initial conversations anyway - I'd have to cap it at some point LOL) Just saying - you're not married to them. Remember that if they don't meet your needs there is a VERY low barrier of entry on setting up subscriptions for yourself. Don't be overwhelmed or afraid of looking into that option, k? All the best to you, my not yet (but I really do want to be, in a non-stalkerish way, I promise LOL) friend. Hope you guys figure this out! Lisa ps. How did I not know that the Patreon CEO is the dude from the Pomplamoose videos on Youtube??? *squirrel* <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIr8-f2OWhs" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oIr8-f2OWhs</a>