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Hello Patreon Brains!

I wanted to reach out because I got an email from Patreon (and you’ll be getting one soon, if you haven’t already) saying that they’re changing the way the fees are structured.

Right now, Patreon gets a very fair 5% of donations and then all of the transaction fees get taken out of my 95%.

Starting on the 18th of December, Patreon is restructuring it so creators like me will get the full 95%, and Patreon supporters will be charged a little bit extra (35 cents plus 2.9% of each transaction) to cover the transaction fees.

They’re doing this because it’s better for creators — but I understand paying the transaction fees might not be comfortable for some people donating, so I wanted to reach out and get a sense of how you feel about it and what I can do to make this new system work for everyone.

Take as much time as you need to think about it and/or read the email Patreon sent then let me know how you feel:



Patreon needs to make their% as well. Happy to say March 1st will be my first donation to How to adhd.✌

How to ADHD

To be clear, there’s a lot I’m uncomfortable with here as a creator, but I don’t think it was a cash grab so much as an awkward solution to a real problem they’ve been facing. Really hoping they listen to our and your concerns, we’ve emailed them several times to express them.


I'm really annoyed by Patreon's actions. There seems to have been no contact (or not enough) about this with Patreon creators and it's just ridiculous. Creators taking a cut out of their share for the transaction fee may not be fun, but it's very common to work that way. To have pledges pay that transaction fee on top of their pledge is stupid. I'll still support your Patreon, that's luckily not an issue for me. But I'm really annoyed with Patreon over this. I'm loyal to you and your work, but not to Patreon. Some of the Patreon creators that I follow have been talking about moving to other options, and I'd follow them, simple and easy. My loyalty lies with the creators, not Patreon.


The timing sucks. This is barely notice. It wouldn't surprise me if there are jurisdictions where this change would be actually illegal. I wonder if they are doing this so quickly because they have a structural issue in how they collect money and are in a dire situation. I'm inclined to wait for them to react to the response and criticism so far.

How to ADHD

Agreed, I think what will be most telling is the way in which they respond.


I think it's dumb. Why are they catering to creators? Why wouldn't they cater to donations that are paying everyone's bills?


As both a Patron and a creator, I'm apprehensive. It's hard enough to get new Patrons as it is, and anything that appears to further complicate the "system" makes it that much harder. Personally, I would rather recieve a fraction less, per donation, to keep it as user-friendly for my patrons as possible. This seemed like a very sudden change, and I would have appreciated at least the opportunity to weigh in, beforehand, if not (preferrably) the opportunity to opt out of the changes.


Apparently with the change it will be more beneficial to creators and donors to donate via paypal. Paypal's fees are 2.9% plus 30 cents per transaction and that's it, whereas Patreon's fees will be 2.9% plus 35 cents AND they additionally get a 5% cut from creators. So.. if this Patreon change sticks, I'd be happy to pay into your paypal instead -- cheaper for me and you get to keep more, as well. ;)


Or stripe, stripe's terms are the same as paypal's and you can set up recurring payments.


Mainly I find this irritating. I like (and kind of need with ADHD) things to be as simple as possible. The flat $25 at the start of every month is really easy for me to keep track of, and extra charges with a date that might not be on the first of the month for everyone seems a lot more complicated in my brain. I'll still support your channel and work, that is really important to me, but I don't like Patreon's new system.