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This is a really big update x) With sounds and other things.

This fox girl integration was soooo hard, so I spend really much more time on it than I expected, but finally - I add her in the game ))

Also we add extra big part of history in the game, with inkeeper, townkeeper and something one else.

Fox girl is most hardly character in the game so we left only 2 easy bosses so they will not take so much time how it make this fox girl.

And... I so close to finish this game, I can't believe in that... one year... )) One year I work on it... wooh! :D 

Thanks to all for supporting :'3 I can't make this game without your support!

link to new 0.32 version:


Also, I spend many hours to check this version from bugs, but they can still be here, so, if you find it - please, tell to us :)

And of course if we all together find critical bug - we will try immidiatly fix it and update game ;)




ooo looking forward to playing this through.

Marvin Seifen

After u Talked to Fox Girl and had sex with her and enter the house again u are unable to leave the conversation - tho i cant have sex with her again seems the button isnt available

Marvin Seifen

And in mythic tower when u fight with zentaur they sometimes freeze and stop the fighting cause their action bar doesnt fill anymore btw the dialog with fox should be i'm "in" love with u :)


This is already fixed in 0.33, I think that you find something new x)

Jeremy Furr

Weird bug I found where water tower starts to play whatever stage you last left. For example, if I fight in garden tower then fight in water tower on stage 8, it plays the Chimera fight. Same thing for Earth tower and the fox fight. 9 sometimes plays bugged out stages where health cycles or just the animation placeholder stage. playing water stages 1-7 seem to just play pre-boss levels of the other towers.

Jeremy Furr

The bug was on development_version_033c. I can send screencaps if necessary.

Jeremy Furr

hl103he1092961hstp0hs132hdm450hmh1278hh600hmm25hm25hde40hcmb164hnxt1117525hsc0hhc0hdec0hcmc0hdmc0htai10htea10htwa10htfi10htfo10hskd5hskh5hskc5hskt5hsca5hsst38562hmon146000hbbe1hhpb12hmab1hcub1hpeb1hper205ttlSls12bschim1bsfoxT2bsfoxH0bsnaga0bscyclo0bsempr0msslim2msfair2msalra2mshols2mscat2msbunny2msliz2mskap2mssco2mscent2msharp2mssat2msvamp2mssucc2mswitch2hrdlvl65aboutShop1aboutHouse1aboutPlace1aboutPeople1aboutHelp1aboutSpherePiece0aboutTownHelp1aboutChimeraVictory1aboutPricesRising1aboutFoxGirl0aboutBook0heroHaveSphere0heroWasInTower1heroTurnBack1heroUseFountan0heroHaveOnePart0heroHaveTwoPart0heroHaveGarden1heroHaveAir1heroHaveFire1heroHaveWater1heroHaveEarth1heroWinGarden1heroWinAir0heroWinFire0heroWinWater0heroWinEarth1heroWasInTown1foxAlive2foxInHome0foxTalkAboutStay0foxClothed0loveOfFox25aboutWhere0aboutTowers0aboutAllGirls0aboutMinions0aboutSpheres0aboutEmpress0aboutBook0aboutClothes0firstSex0foxHaveClothes0showTips1tipMapT1tipTwn1tipTavern1tipHome0tipTow1tipBattle1tipChim1tipMgScr1tipGal1octaShowed0 That's my save code for reference in case you want to try to replicate.