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We already make fox girl xxx animations and working on her dialogues, she have lot of dialogues so we need add it all, we near to finish it, also we add dialogues to tavern, alos we fully rework the tavern because it not fits for our scenario dialogues and actions, and now it better :3 also we add intro historyyyy, add fox girl battle staaage, and last thing what we need to do is a add sounds.

We near to make demo version, it's soo cool! :333

Also you can watch fox girl xxx animation here if you not fear spoilers and etc:


so, Octa make so many things at this month xd We count that we made near 50% more things at this month then previous months )) it's all because of your support, guys! :3 big thanks to all of you! ^.^

Upd 26 nov:

Now the compiled game takes 110 mb! 

Upd 28 nov:

 And game now have ~200 Sounds (20 - BGM themes, and others is a sound effects) :D 

Upd 30 nov:

Update will be today ;)




It is okay the animation though there isn't....anything special about it compared to just a normal human doing it. As like the wolf girl could be using her tail or fur to like maybe massage him or something