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We finally fully add naga to game, also we make some visual improvements. 

Very grateful to everyone who helps to find bugs!

Update with fox boss will be near in 7 days ;)  

Ver.0.30: https://yadi.sk/d/qBdwFsN2x9gZP
-Added new backgrounds to all towers
-Added preBattle Animation to Naga
-Fixes in Naga battle stage
-Changed appearing of Naga (need near 2-4 battles on levels 7-9 to meet naga)
-Bit Fixes in chimera dialogue
-Fixed button in Naga sex scene

Known issues, will be fixed in 0.31:

  •  Naga says only "enough talking" and player can input only 6 arrows in dialogue bubble in Naga battle
  • Animation will freeze when hero attack Naga in her turn around position with normal attack
  • Sometimes mouse cursor looks like button int Naga encounter animation
  • Hero can't use heal skill in Naga battle scene because it says he run out of mana!
  • Icons in Naga battle was not deactivated when they are hiding
  • Hero takes nothing when beat Naga (except access to unlocking of Naga boss xxx animation in gallery)
  • Player sometimes can't get access to unlocking of xxx boss animations
  • Strange error when selecting all towers except Garden tower (this will not affect on game, but we still need to fix it, think this because I split 1 tower symbol to 5 different towers with backgrounds)
  • Speed bars of enemies sometimes show wrong information!
  • All monsters can make attack after xxx scene also player can make attack at the same time, so it will crush the game immediately.
  • Tavern Girl can't skip her dialogue, it will starts from beginning every time if you continue to click 
  • Animation of great slice in completely 5x combo shows too far in right part of screen
  • Time in save be written incorrectly, it always was a time when you launch the game :I
  • Also we encounter again with quality problem and with graphics weight, game can lags on really slow computers, we will fix it to best performance, but I'm don't think that will fully help, also we will add fps icon in right down corner, you always can deactivate it by clicking on it, and you can always see when you need to change quality to medium from high if your computer can't handle it. (normal fps in this game is 24!)
  • Sometimes stats after victory gives not right, like if you lose then game will keep your earned for battle bonuses and add it when you victory, so you can see that you get near OVER 9000 points for all x)
  • Problem with bunny xxx animation lag in gallery
  • Funny problem with capturing soul from ALL ENEMIES under empathy skill of cowgirl xd not know - can hero kill all enemies with this skill if they have small hp? )) but still need fix this
  • If you click on 10 lvl of mythical, earth or magma tower you will see thing with the inscription "animation" aaaand you never can out from here until you not restart the game xd (from last save, so don't fear, your game will be safe, but please, don't push on not finished floors)



Nathan (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-28 01:54:32 Okay so first thing is that when trying to do the talking bit it again stops at the bit as I said before and the Naga just says enough talking but does no attack or anything it seems though it is hard to get to that as the timer doesn't give enough time. I have also found that the quick time event doesn't give enough waiting time for the input of -&gt; ^ keys and so I have to do it right as I see the text instead of the arrows. The talking and sometimes the other icons seem to sometimes sense that I have clicked them but don't atucally let me input the arrows or even show them as I've clicked the edge of them and the icons dissaper to show the next two and then the Naga says "enough talking". Somehow I managed to get the Naga's talking arrows to stay up after timer has expired until I do another event. While trying to repeat this I found another issue where going behind the Naga and then doing an normal attack ended up with the end of the animation staying but the icons cycled still as seen here along with the arrows staying for the Naga talking: <a href="http://i.imgur.com/q7UU370.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/q7UU370.png</a> Finally when inital start of the game and going to water tower I get the following:" TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at development_version_030_fla::Towergarden_43/frame1() at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop() at development_version_030_fla::Symbol7_19/frame3() at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop() at development_version_030_fla::Symbol4_20/tower_water_select() "
2016-10-21 01:35:42 Okay so first thing is that when trying to do the talking bit it again stops at the bit as I said before and the Naga just says enough talking but does no attack or anything it seems though it is hard to get to that as the timer doesn't give enough time. I have also found that the quick time event doesn't give enough waiting time for the input of -> ^ keys and so I have to do it right as I see the text instead of the arrows. The talking and sometimes the other icons seem to sometimes sense that I have clicked them but don't atucally let me input the arrows or even show them as I've clicked the edge of them and the icons dissaper to show the next two and then the Naga says "enough talking". Somehow I managed to get the Naga's talking arrows to stay up after timer has expired until I do another event. While trying to repeat this I found another issue where going behind the Naga and then doing an normal attack ended up with the end of the animation staying but the icons cycled still as seen here along with the arrows staying for the Naga talking: <a href="http://i.imgur.com/q7UU370.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/q7UU370.png</a> Finally when inital start of the game and going to water tower I get the following:" TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at development_version_030_fla::Towergarden_43/frame1() at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop() at development_version_030_fla::Symbol7_19/frame3() at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop() at development_version_030_fla::Symbol4_20/tower_water_select() "

Okay so first thing is that when trying to do the talking bit it again stops at the bit as I said before and the Naga just says enough talking but does no attack or anything it seems though it is hard to get to that as the timer doesn't give enough time. I have also found that the quick time event doesn't give enough waiting time for the input of -> ^ keys and so I have to do it right as I see the text instead of the arrows. The talking and sometimes the other icons seem to sometimes sense that I have clicked them but don't atucally let me input the arrows or even show them as I've clicked the edge of them and the icons dissaper to show the next two and then the Naga says "enough talking". Somehow I managed to get the Naga's talking arrows to stay up after timer has expired until I do another event. While trying to repeat this I found another issue where going behind the Naga and then doing an normal attack ended up with the end of the animation staying but the icons cycled still as seen here along with the arrows staying for the Naga talking: <a href="http://i.imgur.com/q7UU370.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/q7UU370.png</a> Finally when inital start of the game and going to water tower I get the following:" TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at development_version_030_fla::Towergarden_43/frame1() at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop() at development_version_030_fla::Symbol7_19/frame3() at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop() at development_version_030_fla::Symbol4_20/tower_water_select() "


Hm, strange, thanks for find that, because I think I already fix this, so then something going wrong, I will fix it again and check it more times to completely prevent it. I find that player can't input more than 6 arrows :I Naga was so problematic xd and water tower )) Also funny that I miss other issues xd they so stupid x) I'm link first attack to naga ass but forgot about second attack in turn around position xd And this issue I see too :) I will fix this ;) this issue happen on each tower exept garden, I think I not fully links all correctly when split towers on different backgrounds Also I find much issues and I will add to this post list of all this issues