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Whoah, it was very difficult, finally got to add Battle Stage in the main piece of the game, in fact, now game code grew on 900 rows! Total number of lines of code in the game is near to 5000, so part of naga now takes 15% of the code!! I did not count on the fact that Naga Boss will be such difficult, but anyway I completely add she in game :)

Alas, I now completely exhausted, a week I sit and did this integration in all my free time, in order not to be too late, so I tried to be quicker and make haste to lay out a new version for you, everything seems to be working, but I'm not sure at 100 % this, I will fully correct this version in few hours and add normal boss appearance and dialogue with she before the fight ;) 

New 0.29 version: https://yadi.sk/d/5upxfZ8cwjnS9 

And good news! :3 Now game will be not muted xd because we find good musician, and he write much of tracks for us :D Also we write some moans and other sounds for games, ehehe ;333 I spend few days on work with him and on taking better microphone and meet with persons who write sounds for us :) 




Okay hate to say this but it feels like the Naga fight still needs work on it....as the two most major problems I'm encourtering gameplay wise is that one the icons for doing the actions change in size but their hit boxes don't seem to as I'm clicking in the circle but not in the center and it doesn't activate, though I can't tell if this is an detection issue as even with the small versions I sometimes need to click more than once. The second one is that some options are amazingly long and don't seem to have timers on them so the only rush to get them done is when your in trouble ish....however with the speech bubble one I get to the -> -> -> bit but when I try to do the 2nd one it just ends it and nothing happens as if I failed it.....so....yeah.... Keep in mind though I used an save from 0.28 version


Yes, I say this too :) this version is only to show what we did all this time, but stage not fully integrated, and speech bubble will be only for fun, like "not time to talk", and when player enters combination naga attacks the hero, it should be ironically - player enters combo but nothing happens, and player get REKTed by naga :D also I want to add time limit bar to enter this combination. And thank you for finding the issue with icons! :O It turned out that the layer with speech bubble still overlap action icons and prevent mouse capture :O At this point mouse just don’t work through this bubble. Also you say about problem with icons that the player should click on them more than once, I didn’t noticed it before, but I’ll check it. And, Yes! Action icons don’t have timers :D And they won’t have time limits, the only limit it is your HP, if naga kills player when he enters combination it will be only player’s problems, but of course we will try to make the battle more fair, so we will change Naga hp or dmg if we see that she is overpowered.


so i failed to do the chat command line with the naga boss and ended up beating her so i was curious as to what happens when you do actually do the chat successfully.


^literally impossible you would have to get all the arrows done in one second.

Jakkin Jakkin

So, yeah. I did the arrows in the time limit. Nothing happens.