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+ Ice biome bosses
+ 3 levels of "Sky Chain" temple
+ 7 monsters
+ 7 ero animations
+ 2 accessories  Some old sex scenes now got additional animations in it
+ 1 game over BG  
+ 1 game over sex animation
+ New UI
+ Added few new notes to locations
Double jump And lots of other fixes and upgrades
And of course - first version of ero module added into game

Link to the game: ZIP  

And finally this version has been done! T^T
'Right in time' ha-ha ^^"

In this version I created all skychain levels, only without boss and his chamber, but here enough of other bosses, I added three of them - twins and ice wyrm, each of them is able to get rid of Lora Ice location was fully ready in previous build, but bosses was not finished, like in this time
And I started to develop erotic module, which would increase amount of lewd content in the game
So, I finished first version of it, but sadly at this moment all what you can see is some lewd stats, some fluids that can left on Lora under some circumstances, maybe belly filling should work with some monsters.
liquids and belly was drawn for each animations, and cat ears with tail was added to them too, much things of ero module still in development, I wanted to add some sex scenes where LORA would dominate (if she have enough perversion level)
Yes, basically this module created for that you be able to teach Lora to do some lewd stuff and mabe you make a nympho-maniac from her Here in game you already have some new animations from old animations, like laboratory grabber trap, or satyr who now have 4 animations at once All this animations should levelup different Lora "sides" Also for future was planned that if you will run too long without costume you would get exhibitionism trait. And more other stuff, I happy that I finally have enough of stuff what I can show to you! ^^
And maybe here is not much of this lewd module, but then you can check much more other stuff like skychain zone (but be carefull, I not tested it well, maybe here would be a lot of bugs)

Hope you will enjoy it! ^^ there is a really much stuff

Based to your feedback I was make game a bit more easier, hope it would not be so hard anymore ^^"

Also, guys, under the release I found 74 bugs by myself, so if I miss something - please write about it to me, I will try to fix it as soon as possible!!
And I started to add new sounds to the game, so some ero- animations should already have sounds! ^^
In next versions of perversion module I planned to make Lora be able to masturbate and transform into futa in her overpower mode, if player want this, because I have really much female characters in the game and I think we need to use it ^~
What do you think about some futa content in the game? ^^



Wumbo Weeb

If theres Futa options and Lesbian options I’m all for it.


Futa is one of my favorites. Just no balls, Futa with balls is definitely just a dude with tits. And the more yuri the better :D


Futa is a good idea, but not too much just maybe 1 or 2 enemies are totally enough for me


if it's optional that'd be great, in case some people don't go for that. could make it an unlock, exhibitionist for a full stage maybe :)

ZN Employee

Few issues I've noticed: H animation plays on layer behind level tiles, so on trap monsters half of animation could be obstructed. There is slight visual bug, mostly visible on ice levels with thin white stripes appearing across screen. It looks like on some camera angles tiles aren't connected and empty white bg is showing through. Leech and to a minor degree wall tentacle seem to have H animation bigger than everything else, leech being around 2x times bigger than rest and wall tentacle is like 1.2-1.4x. It's not exactly an issue, since it kinda helps to show animation better, but still unexpected. Camera position during H animations is centred on Lora, while animation itself starts playing at monster's position. Generally not a problem, but combined with layering issue, can easily obstruct view, especially in gallery with it's limited empty space. Would be nice to have zoom in-game, and since it's based on enemy position shouldn't create any issues. As well as camera movement in gallery, cause again camera is centred on Lora while animation is playing at monster's position. Also tail seems to block anal animations, it might be cool to allow them, with tail just lying around durning animation. It would also facilitate belly filling since monsters will plug ass back up after cumming. Nice update overall, twins were interesting boss, while wyrm was kinda easy since you just point lasers and wait till it's dead. Having to man the lasers (stay near them) or them turning off after some time (overheat or wyrm freezing them in defence) could make it a bit more challenging.


I support the futa options. For the tentacles it is a new options :P

Bob Morane

The new monsters and CGs are really awesome ! Gameplay-wise the 3rd level is also great despite the bugs. Keep up the good work !


I`m not a fan of futa. Perhaps it can be optional?


Yes, it will be optional, you will be able to turn it on\off in the gallery


You about H animations in the gallery? If yes - I will recheck it, they should work better at this moment in v0.82, but maybe I miss something Yes, I know about this bug, I already trying to fix it ^^ but I not find good solution for it yet - I not really know why it happened, I use 128px of grid cell, and all my sprites drawn according to this size, all tiles have 128px, but when I start to move across the scene and use 128px per unit - it happens, so I decide to use 126-127px instead of 128, to make tiles a bit bigger, but it can cause other graphic problems, so I still trying to find fix for this, this happens from the beginning of dev, and at first levels I just use 126px per unit, so they not have any strips bug, wait few release and I think I finally find solution ^~ or I just make all to be 126px... Thanks for this note, I fixed animation size in new version - and if you find that h-animation have wrong size, please write to me, I will again fix them! ^^ Yes, I know about problem of camera during h-scene position, I will fix it soon ^~ I will think about in-game zoom ^^ maybe I add it like a special unlockable feature for the "Hero Tier" ^~ Yes, anal animation was blocked by tail, but I think it would not be a problem because I will add ability to Lora insert it directly at game levels, not only in gallery ^~ I think it would looks much better (because I know that they can fuck Lora in ass with tail and I seen it in animation programm and it looks not so good, feels kinda unrealistic, really) Thanks ^^ Hmmm, Wyrm is not so easy if you trying to avoid his attacks by running around level from him, and likely I feel it near to impossible without this platform position bug, but as I see people find this safe places pretty fast, so I think I will make something with this safe zones, like - water spheres will fly a bit more randomly Also thanks for that big review! ^^


Thanks! ^^ I will fix all bugs as fast as I can, I already fixed few of them in v0.82


Great. Giving it a second thought, a strap-on would be okay, too.


i cant find the CGs XD plz help


In the level selection menu, at the top, big blue sphere between settings and return button, I already mention that not all can find gallery so easily, so in next version I will write under it "gallery" ^~

Sir Nubbly

Little late to this but I fully support the futa idea.


You mean that gallery in Lorain not like in tower or amour? Yes, it is, and here is some reasons, at this moment it is not so visible, because ero-module unfinished, but later you will see that you can "train" lora to love pussy fuck, or ass fuck, and this type of gallery will be better for that, also some monsters (especially girls) would be able to be fucked by Lora itself, in both forms. Yes, of course I was able to make it with just ordinary CG, like in tower or amour (I really can add all this settings like - accessories, belly change, cum leaks, wet parameters, fuck settings like - to pussy to ass to boobs or to mouth, or that Lora will lead sex, or she will do it in overload state) but I think it will add more feelings to the character with this type of gallery