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Hello guys!

Long story shorts:

  • Lorain with first type of ero module will be at July 10-12
  • I reworked 1 year old animation, now it have some new features which I tried for the first time, but after this I can use them in current and future projects

Link to the animation with Miruko - v2 ZIP 


And here additional information for those guys who believe in me

Guys, thank to you all that you still here, that you still supporting me, even after there were no posts for almost 2 months
Thank you that you still believe in me!
About what happened
I got something like a creative crisis and everything went very slowly, I think that it is.
And with my procrastination this finished like this - I draw and animate something, but it goes too slow, watching at days which I spent, trying to do much more, get more stuff to do, and again and again, I think wanted to impress you, tried to make a lot of things at once, but this all just started to stockpile around, until one day I was just can't draw or animate anything...
But anyway I do something, not so much how I want (
So let's summary what I have done during this months:


Improvement in ice zombie girl attack
Rework of electrical trap (yes, again)

Bosses Twins (just few things with twin girl was left)

Added main weapons for battle vs Ice Wyrm!

I done hp bar for boss fights

Oh! I finally find fix for this bug which pursues me already for 7 months!
When you jump to wall and off the wall sometimes here appears 1 excess frame...
This is so annoying!


(Yes, this is the same problem, with this frame)

Oh! I decide to do animations with path transforms! They looks pretty nice!

And I started some animations which I decide to delete from Lorain earlier, so maybe some animations with monsters which you wait will be returned ^^

And big tileset of skychain temple


Rumi Usagiyama V2:
- Move to new version of Unity (It forced me to upgrade version and during transition from one version to other many stuff crushed and I spend some time to reupload animation and to redo some UI elements

Rework of old animations:

+ Dynamic and variations of movements in animations speed1, speed2, speed3 (2, 3, 2 movements)
+ Additional face emotions for animations
+ A bit graphical fixes in sprites of some body parts (5 parts - pussy, butt, body, boobs right and left)
+ Rework some clippings (pussy, eyes)
they looks not very nice before -.-
Also animation now in x2 quality! I founded what pixelazes them!

+ Rework eye blink VFX animation in pose 1 (fix bugs in 4 animations + 1 vfx animation)

- Added second pose (+30 sprites, +8 animations)
(Seriously, there are a lots of them)

- Added naked outfit (only stockings left) - for animation of pose 1 - 3 pictures, and for animation of pose 2 - 4
- Added uniform - for animation of pose 1 - 7 pictures, and for animation of pose 2 - 8
- Little costume rework
- Added aditional sprites for liquids and other important things (9 sprites)
- Cum animation improved

- Rework of boobs movements
- Added possibility to clicking on boobs for animation (even not in manual mode, but only in first pose)

I founded ways how to animate boobies in better way:

I find some ways how I can do it all with just IK bones

(but of course much things was done much more easier:)

Amount of animations before the upgrade:
5 + 2 (2 of it is for VFX like moving dust on background and eyes blink)

After upgrade here is
17 + 10 (10 for VFX - dust moving, eyes blink, boobs clicking, for liquids, for mouth animation for moans and etc.)


Why I rework old animation with Rumi?
Firstly of course I wanted to get to hype train about her, but I SOOO late (*sob*)
And second reason that I can try new features which I long time ago wanted to test, but I can't test them in Lorain, only in the next game after she and in single animations, like Rumi
-There I tested and found new ways to make IK bones for titties (This thing I can use in any project)
-Thing to control character by the mouse just by dragging the bones (But I spend on this shit 5 days, this stuff won't want to work at all! But anyway I find something that I can use, you can check it in new animation with Miruko ^~)
-Mixing of layers with alpha channel - this is amazing stuff!  Now I can do animations even better!
So, maybe if I was not so fast to get into this damn train with Rumi maybe I can get in it with girls from Helltaker ^^ Do you guys like them? ^~
I think I will make poll to chose who to draw...
Also I want to practise more blowjob and titfuck animations (I know that you loves it ^~) , so, I think they will be done with this type of animations

And again, sorry guys that I not posted anything here near to 2 months, hope in this post will be enough stuff for you, at least a half
Thanks guys for your patience
And thank to all of you who still here with me

Also I think to make challenge for me, to make posts every 2-3 days
But I will start after 5 July because I really need to rest, I worked without sleep over last 2.5 days to finally finish this Miruko animation, so one-two days I want to rest

So guys, have a nice day! ^^
And try to make Miruko cum ^~



Zany Hitakus

I’m sorry to hear that you had some motivational problems, but it’s great to see you’re back! Can’t wait to see more of your work ❤️


i knew you weren't dead, glad to see that this project is still alive and running. and im happily waiting for the next playable upgrade, even if i have to wait for like half a year, dont care at all :)

Lord Voldemort

"50% of life is just showing up". Glad to hear from you. If I can make a recommendation, just post an update every couple of weeks, it lets us know you didn't catch corona and die. Even if the news is bad, we want to know what's going on.

Ian Salyers

Games take a looooong time to finish especially if it's a one man team. Take your time.


Sorry for not pay other months, some of us we cant pay months because our familiar situation, so when you posted this i paid instantly, i read it and im going to write my opinion about it and thats it: I understand perfectly that an autor can be in a crysis like you said, you dont need to worry about it, the part that some animations descarted will return to the game will be perfect, like the pose of possesed water animation, i find it so sexy and the img in color its wonderful, if you have another colour images of the animations that will be implemented or are already implemented you can post it in patreon because most of us will appreciate it a lot, one last thing, you're a creator that i like a lot so i want to suggest you a couple of things: -First of all if you dont have any ideas or you're blocked you can always suggest us our opinion about it, if you want to surpress us with an animation and you want to keep it in secret until you finish it you're free to do it, but if you're in the point that you're blocked you can always ask for opinion to us with no problem. -Other thing that i noticed its that it passes a lot of time for the next post, i prefer little post with some sketches or drawings and ideas than publish a post in a month because like i said before, some of us we cant pay a lot of months, i really think and that's my honest opinion, if you post with more frequency like i said before things like sketches or drawings and some animations, like doodles or concepts before creating the img you will get a lot of patrons in no time, because your work its excellent and you read the opinions of the patrons, thanks for reading my opinion and do your best! :)

Bob Morane

Did you die from COVID ?


No, just again trying to do too much stuff at once ^^" like always


Yes, but what I can show to you? All stuff what I do not finished yet, I wanted to do huge update at 28 August In this update will be 2 boss fights in Ice temple (1 in Ice end - Ice Wyrm, and 1 in laboratory - Twins) Full wind temple (without boss fight) Ero-module (which I develop for 2-3 months already) But, I really not know what I can show to you at this moment All stuff not fully finished yet and needs a bit more working and testing Boss fights is ready, and 2 of 3 boss sex scenes is ready, only one left to finish, but I not want to show them because it will be spoilers Ero-module has it new UI, also I added first 2 accessories as I said - ears and tail, also I finished to adding cum covering and belly for Lora to all animations, I added few new animation, but still I need to test it in the game, check that all should work good enough for first launch, if I show it all to you here what left to you check in the game? also it is the same animations what you see earlier but with new stuff like accessories and some lewd things, so I not sure that the same animations will be enough for post too Only wind temple is fully ready, but I think it is not good enough to show only temple stuff after 1.5 month of silence, so this is not good for post too I'm not hiding, but I really can't show anything yet, guys T^T All things still not fully finished yet, all done for near a 98% for new update, I doing my best to hurry up with my two hands Please wait for 28 August But maybe I late to 29, but I will try my best And yes, I wanted to show version with ero-module at 12 August, but I late and finish it only at 16 August, and again start feel that it is not enough to show only this, so, yes, now I can feel good only if I give to you new version of game not only with ero module, but with wind temple and 2 finished boss fights


Didn't mean to be rushing you, I get it. It is a VERY time consuming process to create something like this. It will take as long as it takes and that's all there is to it. But, I do believe it is important to keep interacting with your community of patrons. Even if you may not think it is worth showing keeping us in the loop is returning the faith that we are putting in you to do what you are saying you are going to. I can promise you all you need is just a simple. Hey guys can't get the build out as soon as I thought, I want to do ( a) or need to fix (b). Don't want to burden you to bad or sound ungrateful I wish I had half this talent lol to make even half a living off anything like this. Just mainly communication especially if you set a date that for whatever reason has to push back. I also don't even mean like weekly progress just mainly when something changes you set. In your case with all you have going I wouldn't even set our expectations for and exact date. I would say something like "I will try to release such and such update by mid august but if it does not come out assume It will be pushed to end of august beginning September will let you know if that happens". But either way Good luck I am rooting for your success either way :D

Thomas DeVoe

I found a bug the last time I was playing the most up dated version of Lorain. When I went into the overpower mode the background turned green and I could not turn the overpower mode off so I was not able to hit any switches to progress. I tried exiting the game to see if that would stop the bug but when I loaded that save file back up it was still there so I had to delete that save file and start over again because I couldn't get rid of it. Has anyone else had this problem?