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Guys I have been working on a new module for "Lorain" for a few weeks but all this time I work mostly under concept of this module and just few days ago I started the programming part, but I think that I need your opinion about this

You wrote to me that you want more pervert things in Lorain, that the game is more about platformer than about sexual content, sooo I decided to add a perversion system module in "Lorain" that I was planned to develop and add only in the next game. So "Lorain" game will become my first game which will get this module, but for only one girl, for our main cute heroine~

So what I planned to add in it:

  • Basically Lora will stay and shy if she naked
  • Add to all animations pussy eroanimations, booty eroanimations, boobs and mouth if possible, but about this read later below in "Perversion level"
  • Add filling Lora belly with cum when she gets creampie
  • Add to all eroanimations stuff to change size of her belly according on cum amount in it (it will pouring during the time if this option will enabled in game options)
  • Animation of cum pouring during the battlestage if Lora becomes creampied (maybe with particles system, I not sure yet, also if Lora enters in Empower mode all this cum will disappears)
  • Add the options to disable all belly distortions and all this creampie stuff in the game options
  • Masturbation animation for Lora (during masturbation Lora can be grabbed by monster and sex animation with this monster will starts, if monster not have ero animation then Lora will get hit and stop masturbate), also masturbation will disable costume energy
  • Liquids on Lora legs at battlestage when she becomes horny
  • Animation of lying on the floor after being fucked, and animation of getting up
  • Moist of pussy according on "horny level", disable pussy moisturizing in animations automatically from animations, only by code
  • I will add portrait of Lora with her emotions in left upper corner for show her emotion status 

Perversion level - (from 0 to 100) the main level of Lora perversion, at level 20 Lora can masturbate if player hit the "masturbate" button, at level 40 Lora doesn't try to cover herself with her hands when she naked, (probably) at level 60 Lora can choose which type of animation can be launched, probably because I not sure how it will be hard to add additional type of sex animation for each monster (like make sex animations to pussy or to ass or to boobs with the same pose is not so hard, but maybe I only think that it is not hard, and by trying to do that it can takes months to make it, so I this idea maybe be pretty bad for game release time), after 60 level Lora will have slut face near at all eroanimations

Perversion will lower during the time when Lora not get any pervert points (from sex or exhibitionism or masochism)

  • Add into eroanimations sub-animations of Lora attempts to exit the eroanimations, they will be automatically disabled at the level of perversion over 60 (but maybe will not make it too, maybe it too hard, but anyway I will try and tell you how its goin ^~)

Horny level - (from 0% to 100%) if Lora gets 70% horny she can start to masturbate (if player pushed the button), also if Lora becomes 100% horny she will try to masturbate every time when player stop moving and 3 seconds have passed 


Stats which can be increased

Sensitivity - speed of filling the Lora climax bar until the animation is completed (Maybe I will add separated sensitivity for pussy, butt, boobs, mouth)

Exhibitionism - when the costume is disabled Lora will gets Perversion points and Horny points also this status will increases, Also if perversion level under 20 Lora will runs at 75% of her original speed and cover herself by hands

Masochism - when receiving any hits from eroanimations, or from mobs this status will increases, for example if this status becomes pretty big Lora can get hit from lighting trap and start to masturbate ^^


Special status for Lora: (can be checked in pause menu)

  • Sex addicted - if Lora gets a lot of sex she will get this status, with this status Lora will fill "horny bar" much faster, but this bar now will never decreases by normal, it can be decreased only by Lora gets climax
  • Climax monster - climax bar filling speed increased greatly
  • Virgin - status granted from the beginning (if I will not add blood to animations for that status losing, it's ok?) 
  • Virginity off - appears... because of some circumstances (also maybe you want other name for this status, write in comments ^~)
  • Masturbation addicted - Lora will masturbate exactly at the time when player stops, she will not wait 3 seconds anymore


And I will add ingame statistics


How many times Lora get caught:

How many times she have sex:

How many times she masturbated:

How many times has a creampie received:

How much ml of cum she obtained:

How many times she climax:

Monsters opened:

Gallery special opened: (this for bosses and other stuff)

Achievements opened:

Opened abilities:


Maybe you want additional statistics? Write about this! ^^


How you think about it? You would like if I add all this stuff in the game?~ ^^

At this point I not finished much, so I still can stop and not doing this if you think that it is not needed or not important


Zany Hitakus

That sounds like a really fun mechanic 😊 One suggestion though is perhaps a way to lose if you get too perverted and/or horny, like Lora gets so horny at her very maximum that she just gives herself up when she sees an enemy so that it’s not just benefits and you need to keep an eye on your lust


All this sounds great. All about creampies. The fluids, extra stats, effects etc all are a nice touch too. And not sure if you meant you will or won't add blood to her virgin state. My vote would be add it and have a toggle to reset or make her always be one for each monster. Or least in the gallery. So that way if people can see each animation with it on or off. But thanks for taking to time to brainstorm this all. I'll start pledging on my Feb paycheck.


i also think this is a great idea, and i dont mind waiting a few months more for this. And honestly i think, this is the mainreason a lot of people are supporting you right now. Keep up the great work :)


Sounds awesome. I do not think, we need a special animation for losing virginity (f.i. blood).

David Armer

how is the programming for the module going?


statistics: # of times escape sex, # of times fail to escape, no creampie


could you explain this "virginity off" status a little more?


Oh, I thought "why I not seen all this comments, they all only in notifications, where they are?", and now I realised that all you write comments not under last post but under this, okay, then I will answer here ^^


it will going well when I reach it, like all other things, anyway this module bit easier than others, but have need to make many similar operations to make it, so, yea, it will just take more hand work time, than the brain work time


You mean change getting creampie counter to escape failing counter? Or just add additional "times fail to escape" counter? If first - I will not delete getting creampie counter ^^ But I can add counter for escape failing ^^ # of times escape sex - is good counter, I think I will add it ^^


I couldn't figure out how to message you, so I am commenting here. On your game the tower when you're fighting the naga there is a talk option that is so challenging because of the short time you have to complete it, which is like eight seconds. What happens when you pass that check? I am hoping for a nonviolent ending instead of killing her.


Hello! It's not planned to be a challenge - it is planned to be impossible - if you ever able to enter this combination this would mean that you are amazing! ^^ All what will happens it is you will get hidden achievement about how you amazing is ^^ Also somewhere under my posts is already near to 10 my messages about reasons why it is planned to be impossible to speak with Naga And okay, here will be another one note ^^ Naga is a terrible murderer and she not want to talk to anyone, all what she will do with her prey - is just kill You can't befriend naga But how I said under previous few questions like that - I'll consider your desires, and will add some naga stuff in future games ^~


I was thinking you can call it “Ready for Action” but with this explanation, this might not fit. Call it “Deflowered” in English, not sure about translations, lol


Maybe put a % piechart escape success vs escape fail, with a some kind of chibi about happy or sad or facecum! Could use the cum as a translucent piechart itself, with the chibi expression see thru, or maybe make the cum as a % on the border or on background? (If difficult to see thru transparency, doesn’t have to be a circle, could be like a glass filling up). I’ve never played around with unity so not sure what it is capable of (perhaps post some effects studies you’ve done (like your spline?/wireframe stuff))! Re: no cream pie, I kinda forgot what I meant, but maybe I meant #of times the sex actually failed to creampie her ( maybe because escape sex? Because monster dies before it could creampie?) vs creampie during sex with no escape vs creampie with escape lol These could also be achievements for unlocks of concept dev drawings/behind the scenes stuff, blurbs about discontinued features or why a feature was changed, I.e creampie achieved 3x gives concept art, 30 times gives commentary. Also must call one of these “splat” Another dev on a different kind of project mentioned about having a toggle for all the nsfw stuff so that this game could be streamed on Twitch. Any thoughts on trying that?