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Whew, I managed to finally squeeze in the time to get this page finished! 

It's been interesting to have the constant whiplash of Cooper's character arc as this side comic comes to a close compared to the events in the main comic right now haha here we are back to angyboi 



Zeke Red

Good page! I'm intrigued with this :) Also I never noticed how great your body language was. Watching Cooper's stances in the first few frames compared to the others are pretty good indicators.


Lo vio entrándole a la nena

JP Marone

"You heard me having sex with a girl??"

Elijah Yarbrough

Well, this is certainly a surprising development. I definitely was not expecting Andy to talk to Cooper directly about the journal. I'm very eager to see how they remain frenemies after this interaction.

Milo Smith

Oh my god, cooper’s face in the last panel is absolutely menacing! Your way with body language and facial expressions is amazing but this is the first time I’ve actually been afraid seeing one! The amount of character progression cooper and really all the characters have made is amazing!

Rufus The Rat

I actually really enjoy the mood whiplash you do with Cooper, Jackaloo. It makes Coop a really dynamic character and gives him lots of competing motivations based on what Coop wants (or perhaps what he THINKS he wants) and what he actually needs :)

Angelic Bard - Pflegehund

this was so eloquently put and I totally agree; it's why Cooper is one of my favorite characters from a design stand point

Afadi Chionesu

Wow, this is a surprise. :O Great page, Jack. :)


I'm confused. Does this mean that Andy knows that Cooper has feeling for him all this time?


We;;.. Nobody except Coop who was balls deep in somebody else's girlfriend.