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Hello! I just wanted to let you guys know that I've been a busy little bee-Dingoat, and I opened up the platform SubscribeStar to post in tandem with Patreon!

This is simply to provide an alternate for anyone who doesn't want to have a Patreon account. It'll be all the same content posted at the same time for the same price, so don't worry! You guys don't have to change anything, nor are you missing out on anything. It's just the new sister-site for getting content out early to you guys and giving me a little boost of support to keep working.

As time goes on, I do take it more and more seriously to dedicate my entire work life to creating all these stories. The only thing holding me back at this point is the stronghold my day job has over my health insurance. We'll just have to see where this year takes us.

Again, so sorry for what might appear to be silence or inactivity! This week I've had to punch in a lot of hours to get SubscribeStar set up, give the Patreon front page a fresher coat of paint, and keep reviving Volume 1 and Summers Gone pages to be ready for official digital copies. Thank you so much for hanging tight and more coming soon! 🧡



Lucian Greywolf

This is so awesome to hear Jack! You're dedication to your supporters is what makes you top notch in the fandom. Thank you for all you do 💖


Have we talked about your updated Patreon banner yet? Can we talk about that? Our main boys (unless I missed River's pronouns somewhere) all showing off and shit. Text is lookin' a liiiiittle sticky though ;)


You put in so much work, man, it's awesome ^ω^