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Currently, Tsugaru Shamisen competitions are held all over Japan. The national Tsugaru Shamisen competition serves as a platform for Shamisen players to connect and enhance their skills. In this post, we would like to share some insights on what we pay attention to when participating in these competitions.

For more detailed information about competitions, please check out this post:



[Competition Prep Flow - Read Before You Go]

Preparation Until the Competition Day  One crucial aspect is ensuring the Shamisen is in optimal condition until the competition day. If you need to change the skin, do it at least a month before the competition. It might take some time for the sound to settle. If Bachi is worn out, consider getting a new one when changing the skin. Regarding the strings, change the first string a day before your performance, especially if you're performing in the morning. For the second string and the third string, changing them on the competition day is acceptable if you have enough time for practice. Change them at least two hours before your performance and stretch them well. Lately, some competitions also include clothing in the assessment, so it's advisable to prepare clothing in advance that is not too casual, such as shirts with collars, considering the appropriate dress code for the occasion.

On the Competition Day/Entering the Venue  Some competitions have specific registration times for each category. Make sure to read the details thoroughly and be punctual. Additionally, some competitions allocate practice spaces and times for each category. Confirm these details in advance.

Before Your Performance  Plan your string changes and practice sessions backward from your approximate performance time. Performance times can change significantly based on the event's progress. Therefore, make sure to regularly check the event's schedule on the day. For the practice on the day, focus on playing the whole piece through and time yourself repeatedly, instead of focusing on techniques. Nervousness might alter your tempo. If you are slower than usual, your performance might be over time, and if you are faster than usual, it becomes harder to keep up. In this way, when the actual time differs from the expected time from your practice, you can figure out your condition on the day from it. However, be careful not to overpractice and tire yourself before the performance.

Right Before Your Turn  Sometimes, staff members will come to call you when your turn is approaching. However, if possible, monitor the time yourself and move to the backstage area. Aim to arrive backstage about ten turns before your performance.

Before the actual performance, be careful that your hands may become cold due to the temperature and tension in the venue at that time. Let's make sure to take care not to let our hands get cold. Cold hands can make fingers less agile and hinder movement.

On Stage  Before and after playing on stage, it is essential to bow. When stepping onto the stage, it is courteous to bow even before sitting in a reserved chair, if available. Never forget that from the moment you step onto the stage, you are constantly being observed and evaluated.

Furthermore, listening too much to other performers' play just before your turn may lead you to unconsciously follow their tempo and tuning. Take a moment to calmly envision how you will play—considering the speed and tuning—before starting your performance.

During Your Performance  This is the moment to showcase your hard work! However, it's rare for a performance to go perfectly as practiced. Don't dwell on a single mistake and let it affect the rest of your performance. Maintain a positive mindset throughout. If an accident happens, such as a string or skin breaking, try your best to finish the piece gracefully. If there's a time-over signal during your performance, immediately transition to the final phrase and finish within five seconds. The rules vary depending on the competition, but be aware that not finishing promptly can result in a significant deduction due to time over.

After Your Performance  After finishing your performance, stand up, bow again, and exit the stage. If you recorded your performance, review it while the memory is still fresh. Many competitions are now available for viewing on platforms like YouTube. It is important to reflect on your performance and identify areas for improvement, but equally important is recognizing the strengths. Overcome the challenges identified in the competition, and build upon your strengths to connect them to your next performance.

[How To Participate in A Competition Online]

Recently, there are increasing opportunities to participate in competitions online. It might be a good idea to start with these if you are considering international participation. One major advantage of online competitions is the ability to redo your recording multiple times. Record your best take, preferably close to the deadline. Some competitions specify tuning and recording guidelines, so be sure to read the instructions carefully.

Choose a recording location with minimal background noise. Avoid places with excessive reverberation. Clear audio enhances your performance quality. Despite being a video submission, bow before and after your performance just like you would on stage. Demonstrating your sincerity can leave a positive impression on the judges.


Participating in competitions is an excellent opportunity to refine your skills. If you haven't participated yet, consider attending a competition as an observer or watch performances on YouTube. It could lead to new connections and discoveries!








・当日までの準備 当日までに重要なのは三味線を最高の状態にしておくということです。




・本番当日/会場入り 本番は部門ごとに受付時間が決まっている大会もあります。しっかりと詳細を読んで時間に遅れないようにしましょう。また、部門ごとに練習場所や練習時間も決まっている大会もあるのでそちらも併せて確認しておきましょう。

・出番まで おおよその出番の時間から逆算して糸を変えたり、練習をしましょう。また出番の時間は当日のプログラムの進み具合によって大幅に変わる可能性があります。定期的にプログラムの進み具合を確認しておくと良いでしょう。当日の練習としては技術的な練習よりも一曲通して弾いて時間を計ってみる、というのを何度か繰り返す程度がいいと思います。時間を測ってみて緊張でいつもとテンポが変わっている可能性があります。遅いとタイムオーバーの心配があり、速いと手が回らなくなってしまいます。思ったタイムと違った時は、タイムからその時の自分のコンディションを知ることにも役立ちます。


・いよいよ本番 本番が近くなると係りの方が呼びに来て下さる場合もありますが、できれば自分で時間を見て舞台袖に移動しましょう。出番の10番前を目安にするといいと思います。


・舞台上で 演奏する前と後は必ずお辞儀(礼)をしましょう。舞台に出た時に、舞台上に控えの椅子がある場合はその椅子に座る前にも一礼すると丁寧です。舞台に出た瞬間から「見られている/審査されている」ことを忘れないようにしましょう。


・演奏中 いよいよ練習の成果を発揮する時です!しかし、練習通りに演奏できることの方が少ないので、演奏中の一つのミスに悩んでその後の演奏を台無しにしてしまってはもったいないです。演奏中は常にポジティブな気持ちを意識しましょう!



・出番後 自分の演奏が終わったら椅子から立ってから再度お辞儀をしましょう。








大会にチャレンジすることは、自分の技術を磨くのに絶好の機会になります。  —-------------------------------------------




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