Original Song Lesson|Sakura Custom Variation by KIKI - 2nd Half of Harmony Part -- オリジナル曲|さくら変奏曲 サブパート後半 (Patreon)
Here comes the second half of the harmony part of "Sakura Custom Variation.” You might be able to recognize the slightly complicated phrases that you have learned in the melody part lesson, but let's review it once again! Hopefully, you will eventually be able to play both the melody part and harmony part, or either one of the parts and enjoy playing this song in an ensemble form with your Shamisen friends!!
Vocabulary List
Tuning - to adjust the pitch of the Shamisen
Suri - to slide across Tsubo on a string with index/ring finger to produce a sliding sound
Sao - the Shamisen neck which you hold with your left hand
Tsubo - positions on Sao (shamisen neck) that indicate where to hold strings with the string-hand fingers to determine musical scale of sound
Oshibachi - to slide/push bachi across two strings next to each other, for example from the 1st to 2nd string or the 2nd to 3rd string to produce sound
Uchi - to produce sound through striking the string with left hand fingers
調弦 - 三味線の音程を調整すること
すり - 左手の人差し指や薬指で糸をスライドさせて音を出すこと
棹(さお)- 三味線の左手で指を押さえるネックの部分
ツボ - 音程を決めるために左手の指で弦を押さえる棹(さお) の場所のこと。1~20まである
押し撥 (おしばち) - 1の糸から2の糸、または2の糸から3の糸というように、隣り合わせいる糸から糸へバチをスライドさせて音を出すこと
うち - 左手の指で糸を打つことで音を出す奏法