Basics | Uchi -- 基礎レッスン |ウチ (Patreon)
This video covers the technique, Uchi.
Uchi is the technique that rather than using Bachi to produce a sound, uses the technique of pressing the Tsubo quickly and with force, with your left hand fingers. There have been some songs that we covered in the lessons that use this technique. So some of you may be able to do it already. However, let’s once again take a look at the checkpoints and practice applying Uchi properly and with pro-level skill!
As an added bonus, we have prepared an original practice song too! Please enjoy!
Vocabulary List
Uchi - to produce sound through striking the string with left hand fingers
Sao - the Shamisen neck which you hold with your left hand
Tsubo - positions on Sao (shamisen neck) that indicate where to hold strings with the string-hand fingers to determine musical scale of sound
うち - 左手の指で糸を打つことで音を出す奏法
棹(さお)- 三味線の左手で指を押さえるネックの部分
ツボ - 音程を決めるために左手の指で弦を押さえる棹(さお) の場所のこと。1~20まである