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In the library bathroom mirror, he looked at himself without the glamour. The stranger looking back at him had a peerless face with luminescent blue eyes and a slight split on his forehead, revealing a mysterious golden eye. From the slight ridges on his head reminiscent of hair to his streamlined body, he looked well made, like an exotic sex doll. His ebony and grey skin lightened in places giving him the appearance of tan lines. Silas rubbed at his chin; it was a little heroic but not enough to take over his face or detract from his eyes. The two puckered holes he had for ears were small enough to blend in instead of distracting. His mouth was thin, almost an invisible line like the Martian queen from duck dodgers.

As for his body, he was small, but his muscles felt extremely dense, like a chimp or a guerrilla instead of a human’s. His body moved like a well-oiled machine, strong and balanced. He pulled up the prompt he received from the orgy.

Calculating Hentai Murder Orgy Ritual results…

2.5% Complete

There were fewer survivors than he expected. The girls acted like a regular pack of snakes resorting to cannibalism under the effects of hentai mutation, tags, and steel defense. Before he knew it, they were devouring each other. Hundreds had quickly turned into dozens before the time had run out for the orgy. It was just as well that there were fewer of them to protect.

It was the third day, and cold winds buffeted the city, barely restrained by the fire. The sun no longer shone outside, and the mortar fire ended sometime after midnight. The orgy started winding down, and the cold ratcheted up. They resorted to burning books, mostly books of law, religion, and romance. He didn’t know why they bothered saving any of it. Besides Zacharia, none of their group seemed eager to study.

Once the counter reached 0, dungeon missions would appear as well as undead and monsters. The theme seemed to be ice and snow, so investing in a class with some fire spells would be best. Silas thought about going for a classic fire mage for his next class but hadn’t opened the screen yet. It flashed tantalizing at the edge of his vision, but he was hesitant.

Stats determined what classes were available. Mage primarily relied on mana to determine available classes, but summoning classes took charisma into account. So, should he go with another summoner or an attack class?

His heart said attack, but the pussy at the end of his tail said summoner. No, it wasn’t actually talking, but he felt torn. Going into actual battle, magic would paint a target on him and make it more obvious in battle. On the other hand, there were several humans, and it wouldn’t be obvious that he summoned the imps. According to Zacharia, dungeons had to play fair and couldn’t metagame. It came with the awesome power to create life and reap it from adventurers.

Silas stared into his own beautiful eyes that went too well with his dark skin. He wanted the battle mage class; it burned in his heart, and he needed the extra mana per level. A pure battle mage with only mana increases would do him good. If he knew he would be targeted, then he would use it what was glamour for, if not to confuse his enemies.

He opened his class section and hit new class. It was like the system read his intentions and loaded the classes he would want the most.

Mage Class Choices x5 tier 1

Hellfire Wanderer – A hedge mage that fights with speed and the fires of the hell planes themselves. They are the trailblazers among mages who go to distant, dangerous realms housing the most dangerous entities. This class is built for the explorers of forbidden realms with high attack power spells and great movement skills.

Seeker Of Eldritch – A lost apprentice mage of madness and pride seeking a truth no man’s mind can contain. They wield their hard-earned knowledge against lesser men driving them mad. The class for the prideful truth seekers with powerful debuffs and pride-related skills.

Final Counter – A mage that wields death magic in reflective attacks to slowly but inevitably grind enemies to dust. They are the greatest weapons against living raid bosses.

Cold Prince – A mage that wields ice and revels in the cold like no other. Cold absorption skills grant this mage class near limitless mana in cold places. Furthermore, it opens the blue node in the wielder's heart, preventing them from opening any other heart nodes. The beginning of the ultimate class of ice users.

Crimson Boxer – A close-to-mid-range mage that infuses wrathful skills and elemental spells into their fists to deal high damage. They are rare not because of the rarity of the class but the rarity of mages willing to fight close range. This class offers no stat points except for mana, making it a poor choice for anyone without high strength reliant on a class. By gaining the class, the user will be imparted the wrath skill, considered one of the seven epic-ranked sinful skills.

It was rather obvious by the last skill which one the system thought he would choose. But hellfire wanderer sounded like the class for him. Seeker of the Eldritch sounded good, too, but he didn’t want madness skills that might hit his followers. Hentai made them crazy enough without mutilating themselves with eldritch truth.

The wrathful skill wasn’t that hard to get; all he had to do was get angry enough to gain it. While it sounded great to have, he wasn’t crazy about getting it. Three sin skills were enough, and becoming a berserker in a dungeon sounded like a phenomenally dumb idea. Final counter sounded incredibly weak against the undead, even if there were ice monsters mixed in with them. Time wasn’t on his side in this dungeon, and cold prince was situational to the point of uselessness. He always hated ice levels in games, and gaining cold prince would limit his effectiveness to cold places. Really his choice was obvious Hellfire Wanderer sounded too cool to go without.

Hellfire Wanderer lvl1 +9mana per lvl

New Spells: Cursed Flamethrower, Cursed Flame Bolt

New Skills:

Hell Forged: Beginner 0% - +5% hellfire resistance per 25 Mana Points

Initiate Threshold – Make a deal with a demon – Complete

Sin Strider: Beginner 0%

Gain +5% movement speed for each of the seven deadly sins.

+1% Movement Speed per 25 Speed points.

Initiate Threshold – Gain 2 of the 7 deadly sins – complete

Information flooded his mind with what his skills did and some of the general knowledge of the class. He gained exp by fighting, which was a plus, and that exp increased when demons were nearby. It had everything he wanted in a class; it had skills that melded with his epic sin skills.


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