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"It is a cleaning product. It has the ability to allow oils and water to mix to a certain extent. I call it 'soap.'" Who knew he would use the knowledge of the modern way to recreate this product in this completely fantastic world to earn demonic spirit coins?

The mature beauty looked at him carefully before turning to him. "You say it's a cleaning product. What can it clean? And what materials are needed to produce it in large quantities?"

Li Ming gave a simple, calm and very professional smile. "It can be used for different things, for washing hair, skin, clothes, kitchen equipment and the floor of the house, and for many other uses that I haven't tried yet.... " Li Ming said as he took another sip of tea.

"There are a couple of things he cannot clean, cooked in grease for example. However those usually don't come out with anything but a hammer and chisel or a sharp knife. Also, if you combine it with a couple of other herbs, it can beautify the skin. "

Yang Xin showed great excitement and went on, "This is amazing! What does it look like?" she shouted at he, her big boobs swaying from side to side. In her position, her cleavage looked very inviting she really wanted to

Transmigration or not, at this moment Li Ming was still a 13-year-old boy cultivating in cultivation technique that was slowly turning his body into a demonic beast.

And his teenage cock could only awaken after so much urging from the beautiful milf in front of him. Moving his head to the side, he said, "Director, not to sound rude, but I ask you to show more modesty. After all, it is undeniable that you are a beautiful woman...." Li Ming affirmed with a quiet smile in an attempt to be a gentleman.

Yang Xin scoffed, "Forget it, I'm not going to lose my skin because of you. More importantly is this... Soap..." She said, letting the unfamiliar word roll off her tongue.

This woman amazed him a little, no wonder she was the director of the Alchemists Association. She had a different mindset from most people in this town.

He gave a small sigh, trying to calm the heat in his body and said, "It can be done by anyone at home, so even those initiated into the association can do it. I'm sure this would provide a source of income for the lesser ones. It would also benefit the association as a whole."

She sounded like a little girl in the candy store, "Just tap around the bush. What do you want for the recipe?" Said the director with a corporate smile.

"Twenty percent of the profits." I nodded. It was a bit of a low price, but his goal was to get a certain alliance with them for the future of his cultivation.

"No." Yang Xin replied, leaving him a little surprised. "I won't take advantage of a potential business partner, plus you are from the 'City Lord' side that can help us in the future. We will give 30 percent." She said while also sipping his tea.

This woman was quite intelligent and obviously enterprising. He had no reason to refuse, so I simply passed on the recipe information in question. She looked at them and her mouth hit the floor. "This, it's stupidly cheap to make...."  After we finished our tea we said our goodbyes after telling me to come back in three days to pick up first.


[Holy Orchid Institute]

That afternoon, Li Ming could be seen studying in the academy library. He had finished for the time being and was reading some books related to enrollment patterns and especially looking for the places that Nie had mentioned and to his great interest had found only a few hints but nothing too important...

Wanting to cultivate to a high level, first one would need to become an experienced master. After practicing their cultivation techniques, their brains underwent a certain level of development. They would not forget general knowledge and their learning ability also became very fast.

At a distance from Li MIng and the other students who were busy at that time , a group of students gathered, extremely lively.

"This piece of armor in my hand is called Flaming dark armor. It is graded bronze, and unless one had a hundred thousand demonic spirit coins, they would not be able to get it!" A student proudly displays his red armor. With his tall build wearing that armor, he had a martial aura around him.

He is Chen Linjian, a member of one of the main families. He is one of the direct descendants of the Divine Family, 15 years old and already at the 5-star bronze rank, soon reaching the 1-star silver rank.

Among the main families, the Divine Family is the richest. Chen Linjian is quite prestigious among students, he recalled that he had played a few times

"Wearing this flaming dark armor, invincible under the silver rank!"

"Amazing armor!" After seeing this, several girls next door revealed an envious expression. Among them several of them cast a flirtatious glance toward Chen Jian Lin from time to time.

"I give you this!" Chen Linjian nodded, tossing that flaming dark armor to one of his men. A battle armor worth 100,000 demonic spirit coins, given away just like that? Everyone was a little stunned.

Compared to them, Li Ming watched the whole show with an indifferent gaze as he watched the different guys try to gather some connections for their future.

Honestly speaking, he did not care in the slightest.... After all, he seriously doubted that great treasures could be found by kids who were not even at the legendary rank

But the presence of Nie Li, made him slightly doubt the possibility of finding any interesting treasure for himself. So after a few more seconds of thought, he stepped forward and headed toward the group of people.

"So Brother Chen Linjian, he is preparing an expedition to the ancient ruins of the city of orchids," said Li Ming in a low voice. " It sounds very interesting, I hope there is a place for me..."

Most of the crowd was amazed to hear his voice as an almost frightening silence enveloped the entire library floor.

Chen Linjian, especially, and they were stunned before exclaiming with obvious surprise. "If it isn't Brother Li Ming!" Chen Linjian said with a very accommodating smile. "Of course I would be very happy if my brother would like to join us. Especially with your talent and your strength, our expedition should have no problem."

Some people at the side nodded, all of them already recognized him as the greatest talent in Glory City, and they were all convinced that the young man in front of them. One day he would achieve the fantastic legendary rank coveted by all cultivators.

"Brother Chen is too kind..." said Li Ming in a slow tone, before shifting his gaze to Nie Li who was looking at him a little surprised for some reason. "I hope we can cooperate happily." Li Ming said calmly, then turned and walked away.

"In three days at 6 a.m., we will meet here!" Chen Linjian looked at the back of Li Ming, who was walking away at that moment, and revealed a small joyful smile on his face. "Brother, he is really different from the rest of us..."


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