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"Is it just a kid? The prisoner said laughing and looking at the prison guard who was leading him, "Is this some kind of fucking joke?"

"Shut up! Another prison guard kicked the prisoner before slowly opening the large gate leading to the area.

The thick gate lifted and the two prison guards took a device from the prisoner's hands, or rather freed him from the chains that bound him and prevented him from using his cultivation, spiritual power.

''Finally, some fresh air!'' The prisoner stretched, looked at Li Ming and sneered, ''Apparently, if I kill you, my sentence will change to 10 years in prison, sorry kid but it looks like you have to die.''

The prisoner looked like a normal warrior. With a muscular body and a bald head, while he had a scar from his right cheek to the back of his head that made it look like he had almost cut his head in half.

Li Ming looked at the man with a cold expression and tightened his grip on his sabers, which were made of simple iron, nothing really significant, but they did their job and that was what mattered in the end.

*Boom!* With a loud clang the gate closed behind the prisoner and Li Ming began to walk toward him, with slow steps as if he were walking to meet an old friend, without any fear or even discomfort on his face.

Seeing this scene, the prisoner's gaze shifted to the guards who were watching the fight. "Looks like you assholes really want to use me as training material!" The bald prisoner roared.

His gaze fell on a huge broadsword near the gate, which he crossed and picked up. ''Well, this thing is perfect for cutting your neck,'' the big man grabbed a sword that was almost as big as him and its height reached almost 2 meters.

Li Ming looked calmly at the man walking arrogantly toward him. "It will probably be easier than expected if everyone is as brain dead as he is," thought Li Ming with a cold face.

Li Ming started walking toward the man and there were only 10 meters left. But it seemed that the other side intended to finish the fight immediately without wasting any more unnecessary time.

''Die Brat! The bald man suddenly accelerated and wielded his huge broadsword trying to split his body in two with a single attack without any martial technique.


But to his misfortune Li Ming did not get caught and easily counterattacked by simply stepping back and easily evading the sword "Slow..."

The heavy sword hit the ground and its blade disappeared a little into the ground as cracks appeared on the stones.... Although Li Ming's body felt light despite the threat of death, despite not being used to it at all, everything seemed so. natural.

Li Ming finally made his move as he waved his sabers and before the big man could try to block, his blades disappeared into thin air in the bald man's eyes, they were as if they had become invisible.

''Y-You! The bald man hastily grabbed his sword and looked at Li Ming with a horrified look. Blood began to drip between the man's fingers and his pupils lost their light as his body slowly fell backward.

In this position, the secretary or better known as Cai Cheng could only look at the figure of Li Ming with a complicated expression. "It took him time to realize the openings of his opponent. And clearly very inexperienced in killing humans, but he still slit his throat with a precision that should be impossible for a person at his age..."

"Next!” Li Ming looked at the secretary and said as he stabilized his breathing. It wasn't that he was exhausted or anything, but he still hadn't been able to get used to killing at once, that's just bullshit.

"But if I don't get used to it and become tender instead, I will be the one lying there with my throat slit open," Li Ming looked at the lifeless bald man and motioned to the prison guards that they did not need to take him away.

"The more I see him, the more natural it becomes.... The more I do it, the less emotion I will feel if I kill someone," Li Ming sighed and thought back to the rules of his old world.

But then? He had ended up in this fantasy world... He was the one who has the rules of strength, if you are weak, you will be trampled if the strong man wants it.

The prison guards returned with a skinny man chained together with thick metal chains, and it was obvious that the prison guards hated this man's insides just because of the way they were dragging him around carelessly.

''Young Master! Shi Yan is a person from the Dark Guild and a traitor in Glory City. He had sent information to the Dark Guild. He is a 3-star silver rank demonic spiritist!" Cai Cheng shouted from the stands with a clear hateful and contemptuous expression.

"A traitor eh." Li Ming looked at the man who had removed his handcuffs, the man was thin and looked like a snake, only his eyes already disgusted him. "You can literally see the snake he is, you traitorous asshole," he cursed before walking toward him as he released his battle intent.

The prisoner said nothing; he was used to the torment and knew he would die in this prison shit, but that did not mean he would die alone. "In that case, I will take one of your 'geniuses' with me!" Shi Yan grabbed a dagger from the weapons rack and launched himself at Li Ming with unexpected speed.

"Somehow, this piece of shit pisses me off..." Li Ming saw his opponent coming toward him and grabbed his sabers with a stronger grip.

Li Ming felt his blood boiling and retracted his Soul Power, his vision had turned red at this point and he just wanted to slaughter everything in front of him. He looked at the man and slowly stepped forward as Shi Yan ran forward with a crazed smile on his face.

''DIE! Shi Yan shouted and tried to strike Li Ming with his dagger.

*Thud* ''Huu-? AARRGGHH!''

Shi Yan fell to the ground and held his shoulder, but in no time his hand was covered with blood. His arm was gone! It had been cut off with two simple slashes.

Li Ming had a cold look on his face. Had he been a normal prisoner, he might have killed him instantly to get used to killing, but this man was different....

"If it weren't because of dicks like these..... Glory City would be a better place," Li Ming could only mutter with clear murderous intent.

"Sir, should we stop him?" Cai Cheng asked Xiao Qiang who had appeared beside him when the fight began.

Cai Cheng knew that it was because of people like Shi Yan that his family had died, he had long known that one of the Great Families had something to do with the Dark Guild, and every person of his who was caught was valuable information

"That man is just a silver rank demonic spiritist, he told us everything he already knew," Xiao Qiang said coldly without any change in his expression.

"But the boy is clearly not himself, look at him," said Cai Qiang worriedly, the current Li Ming looked more like a crazed beast than a 13-year-old kid!

"This is quite simple, the first to die if Glory City was violated would be Lord Ye Mo since there would be no way in hell he would escape, don't forget, Lord Ye Mo adopted him, trust his judgment!" said Xiao Qiang coldly.

Cai Cheng nodded and grabbed a list, although they did not know how long Li Ming would continue to kill people, they still prepared as much as possible since this was also a kind of fun for them. They themselves could not kill prisoners for no reason, so seeing them die in this way was satisfying in more ways than one, to say the least.

Li Ming looked coldly at the man on the ground and raised one of the two sabers: he had to change even more if he wanted to become stronger.

''P.. Please! Don't kill me." *Thud*

But before he could finish his last words. A head fell to the ground and Shi Yan's lifeless body soon followed..

Li Ming's mind finally cleared and he could feel the uncomfortable feeling in his stomach, but he simply waved it off; it was much less than before.

"Come on..."

Li Ming continued fighting and another prisoner fell as he adjusted to the uncomfortable feeling in his stomach that after each kill


Li Ming had already killed more than 10 prisoners by this point and soon got used to the killing, he could feel his strength increase slightly as he fought with his life on the line, so he kept going.


Li Ming was standing in the center of the prison battlefield and around him were several prisoner corpses, although something in his mind was telling him to stop, his body simply did not want to.

It seemed that his blood was boiling, his sword skill was getting better and better, his determination was getting stronger and stronger, and finally, his body was getting stronger and stronger as he was killed.

"Young Master! This is the last fight for today, you must keep your health under control!" Xiao Qiang said in a voice warmer than when their eyes had met.

He had thought that Li Ming was simply a flower grown in a greenhouse, but the more this kid was killed, the more he saw how this kid was growing at an insane speed.

At first, his saber movements seemed rather clumsy and unnatural, but as he continued to put his life on the line, the child's two blades became more and more deadly and fast every time they were waved.

''Good!*Huff*... Let me rest for a while...'' *Huff*... Minutes,'' Li Ming said as he thrust his sabers into the stone floor. He did not pause once and even though he only had a few scratches, they were becoming annoying rather than painful.

"Young Master, what kind of prisoner would you like a Fighter or a Demon Spiritualist and what strength?" Cai Cheng asked since at the time Li Ming was fighting, he had asked for prisoners ranging from 3 to 5-star Silver Ranked Fighters and Demon Spiritualists!

Li Ming's eyes shone and felt his strength was about to break through into a 3-star Silver Ranked Spiritualist. Although his Soul Power also improved, there was no way he could tell exactly how much.

''Bring me a fighter ranked Gold!"


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