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Fresh off the Christmas Spectacular Episode the boys are discussing the presents, in particular, the Cruise. Also Foley got a new membership. You want em' we got em'



Can't wait to see what happens next Christmas hahahahaha I see where Kippy's coming from, cruise would've been better with all 3 of them as content

Anthony Gonzalez

Super duper late to this but damn bad look for the spoiled brat kip.


As someone who is self-described garbaggio who LOVES cruising...Kippy shit on an awesome gift! Its paid for and you get to go be a lazy fuck for the duration of the cruise that has plenty of entertainment, sun, delicious food and booze...what more could you want?!


Gimme a kidney Dec 25th, 2022 35:13 into the episode "We should go on a cruise!" Kevin Kippy James Ryan.

Trogdor's Jam Band

The only thing Kippy did wrong was open his mouth. He should’ve acted like it was a nice gift and not trash. A cruise is the lowest form of travel and vacation, there’s a reason it’s so “affordable” it’s garbage. You’ll never see any rich person let alone an actual wealthy person on a cruise and if you don’t know the difference between those 2 groups your probably on the cruise cause your a bozo

Trogdor's Jam Band

That will cost about $700 to 1,500 in just airfare to get back and forth to go on the cruise Hahahahhaa


You aren't coming off as an asshole... you are one spoiled little asshole. One level thinking defines what you got foley.. dafuq.

Christian Martinez

Did he ever go on that cruise??? I just know they did Burt’s cruise thing

YT - ALifeinVegas

Daaamn Army of Garbage sounding off in the comments, I’m afraid to listen to this one and ruin my image of Kippy forever


Damn kippy. You’re a artist with the way you paint.

Velvet Mouth

I'm sorry but Kevin is a total c***. Kevin is used to having money and folius coming from the Pennsylvania poor attitude of giving a really nice expense of gift. He didn't grow up with money and to give somebody a $1000 cruise where I come from which is basically right where Foley was born. The gift of the base as well as a very cool gift for those of us who were born in the seventies. Foley is a sensitive dude. Kevin is ungrateful. My humble opinion. Your wrong and should accept gifts graciously. Especially as a business man. Return it Foley and give him the cash!!!

YT - ALifeinVegas

I was an ass when I received a gift one year as a kid and I remember realizing how fucked up that is to do to someone. Since then I’ve always tried to be as enthusiastic as possible when receiving a gift. Especially when they went to all the trouble of trying to get you something that you would enjoy. It really is the thought that counts, and with that being said, I hope you rethink your stance on the cruise Kip. You don’t realize how much it hurts Foley to hear you shit all over what he thought would be a home run for you, even if it’s “for the show”. Just my two cents.


Damn Kip, you screwed the pooch on this one bud, I feel horrible for foley honestly cause I know that would hurt me to the bone if I really thought I knocked it out of the park with a gift and someone acted like that. The worst part is Kip really thinks he is in the right with this one


Foley you are in the right bud, awesome fucking idea and gift!


Damn this one got me steaming mad haha


Complaining about a free cruise is wild


Picky eater spoiled brat response from Kippy.