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Fresh off the Christmas Spectacular Episode the boys are discussing the presents, in particular, the Cruise. Also Foley got a new membership. You want em' we got em'


Hard Feelings - The Cruise

Fresh off the Christmas Spectacular Episode the boys are discussing the presents, in particular, the Cruise. Also Foley got a new membership. You want em' we got em'


Mitchell Henley

“I started this off with saying it’s not a bad gift” also about 7 times inbetween starting it off and then “as a guy who’s good at giving gifts you stink at it” Jesus Christ 😂😂😂😂


The cruise is very thoughtful but for a germaphobe it’s a nightmare


Remind me never to gift kip lol God dang.


This one was tough

Vincent Torrente

I’m goin through the backlog and I poked my head in to check the temperature of the comments and y’all did not disappoint. This one’s got full on cringe vibes. Maybe the ole kiperrino stubbed his toe walkin into the office today but dang, rough take. Further in and this is maybe the most cool and level headed Foley’s ever been and KJ, somewhere in the vast expanse of time and space, lost his gawd damn mind 😳 full on manic moment. The panic chapstick application was a nice touch 👌lol


I’ve just joined just to see this of the back of a family episode on YouTube. Poor foley 😂


I love both youse guys and 99% of the time I side with Kippy and his logical, non-bozo opinions… but this one is wild. Hank said it best “you know how many people would kill to go on a cruise” and KJ’s complainin that it’s an obligation?? I highly doubt he’d be moanin this much about a free vacayy ten years ago. That’s why kippys reaction seems Jeff Bozos esque to the listenership. It’s a nice gesture. And ya said youse wanted to go on a cruise!!! End of story, he’s tryin to be a nice guyyyyy

Janice Rossi, 2R

Foley will never get you a gift you like because gift-giving is about him. So either don't exchange gifts or lie once in a while. That's not autism, you're being mean to hurt him cause you didn't like your gift.


Get Kippy a lump of coal this year.


Its not The Crystal Ship.

Gavin Moretz

The greatest $10 I’ve ever spent


Coal, needs to be hundreds of pounds of coal this year for Kippy.


Kevin is so miserable to listen to sometimes. And this was one of those times.


Wow! I'm sorry but Kippy is being such an ungrateful little bitch lol. Like seriously. U mentioned a cruise a few times. Idk how a cruise is worse than a cigar box. That's crazy to think he believes he put more thought into the gift than Foley did. Wild! I'll take the cruise from u lol. Next year just get Kippy a gift certificate to Gallaghers Steakhouse

Pro-Toby Homie

Catching up on episodes I missed around the holidays. When Kippy and Foley are disagreeing on something, I’m on Kippy’s side like 90% of the time. But boy that 10% is yikes for Kippy. He was way too annoyed when it seemed like Foley actually tried to get him something decent he’d want/use to make up for the bass.


Kippy the crazy guy is right. You mentioned wanting to do a cruise a couple of times. Foley as good psycho listened and did a thoughtful gift. And you as emotionally stunted weird can’t accept it.

The Soda Man

Man, this is hard feelings bozos. Obviously, under normal circumstances I don't think Kippy says his true feelings about the gift but they got content to make. A cruise is an odd gift to give someone unless, like Kippy says, they are REALLY into cruises


I feel like the point is that the cruise is payed for. You do not have to spend your own money on a cruise to see if it is fun or not. You no longer have the OBLIGATION to spend your money to go on a cruise