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Hey gang - drop your questions here! Let us know if you haven't had one read yet! Thanks for all the support. Love youse guys! 



Is it garbage to refill the sippy Gatorade bottle with another Gatorade/fill it up with water because everything tastes better out of a sippy lid


Not sure if it’s been asked; Ever threw up in a chair?


Have you made the delicacy known as “beer can chicken”


Have ever drank a “big can” of Fosters (Australian for beer)

Kay J Peterman

Do you or any of your family have a dolphin tattoo ?

Kippy's left eye

FTLT, never had one read: Have you ever shot guns in your friends bacement at phone books when his parents was at work. (This is the same type of kid who would make and hide weapons from his parents. Battle-axes, spears, etc... The trees in his back yard looked like they were skinned alive.)

Kippy's left eye

The same kid ended up slicing a guys back with a machete for sleeping with his baby momma. Never seen him again His legend is known as "MACHETE DAN"


Alex from Mt Airy here. New $10 investor, never had a question read. Is it garbage to get a gallon of peanut butter ripple, nuke it for 30 sec, drizzle some chocolate syrup in that bitch, and dig in, rinse and repeat for about 4 days till its gone?


Jake here reppin the Mitten state. Is it trash to drive an extra 10 minutes to an Indian (Native American, yeah I’m woke) reservation for gas that’s 20 cents cheaper than normal cause of no state tax

Tom Sev

First time question here! Have any of u guys puked in a public setting or area and got completely embarrassed by everyone?

Tom Sev

2nd question: Have any of u guys played the pickle game during Xmas where u hide a pickle ornament on the tree and try and find it and the reward is a gift?

Paul Antonow

One time at a rave in the 90s some douche bag wouldn't move aside talking to people standing around the only close trash can, and when I gave him a shoulder tap to get him to move he sneered at me right before I covered him in vomit.... who is more garbage?