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Kippy got jammed up Upstate and now has to take an online driving class. We got a driving test that all the boys are going to help him prepare. Make sure to play along at home folks, this too could help you one day. Love Youse!


Trogdor's Jam Band (edited)

Comment edits

2023-09-12 14:35:38 Big man tells the worst stories
2023-09-12 14:35:38 Big man tells the worst stories
2023-09-12 14:35:38 Big man tells the worst stories
2023-09-12 09:49:47 Big man tells the worst stories

Big man tells the worst stories


Kippy yelling at big man for wanting to change his answer after Kippy says his answer. Yet Kippy is getting the benefit of listening to toby and big man's logic before he has to choose. Something doesn't ad up kipster


Same Kippy, just got hit with a 80 in a 55 zone by an NY State Trooper last week. Get a lawyer and they’ll make the traffic violation into a jaywalking ticket so you’ll get no points on your license. Best of luck to you 🙏


I'm not sure T-Bone passes the test to be a passenger


Im a buffalonian myself And amherst is the WORST

John Griffiths

I have no problem perjuring myself if you need Kippy


In the wild titties 🤣


Huh, the New York school limit is different. I thought I was stupid for a second, but not it's just 20 in Ohio.


I’m from Rochester Ny I’m only 5/12 hours from NYC you guys are so fucking off about my part of the map! We have farm land but that’s the “rich parts” the rest of the land is blue collar trash!


I’m from Buffalo NY and can confirm Amherst Police SUCKS. Got unfairly patted down by them for no reason when I was 18 out there


Add honk to words kippy says funny

Bradford Ralph

Millennium falcon/mooning joke was gold.