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 Today My mom pasted away around 11:00 am.  I'm sorry I have been so  absent lately but this is hitting me pretty hard.  This was completely  out of the blue and none of us saw it coming. Right now I'm too  depressed and down to really do anything.  I know I have some images and CYI to complete for Patreon,  I'm sorry for all the delays.  I will get  those done, but as of now I need time to heal from this.  I know also I  had already schedules a vacation for myself for June 15th through the 23  before any of this happened.  It looks like it might happen sooner then  I thought.   I'll try to get a few sketch streams in before the June  15th date but I don't know at this point.

I'll be back stronger then ever, I promise with a new outlook on life that's for sure.

as always


JPMK! {verb}

My condolences, I wish you and your family the best with all of this...


my condolences


Dude dont worry about art, take care of yourself and your family, they need you the most.