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I was informed my mom is in the hospital and is in very bad shape.  It could be her time if you know what I mean.  This is a huge shock to me.  I need to go see her.  I'm not feeling to motivated to work on art due to this and I'm taking a little time off form everything.  this is NOT going to be a huge absents I promise it might be close to a month off. 

Theses past few months have been rough, the computer blowing up, my car being stolen and now my mom.  It''s starting to become more then I can handle.  

there will be no CYI this month due to this time off I'm taking.  I will still work on the past ones I still need to finish, I'm just not adding another to it.  Also I got a few images for 50 supporters to finish up.  Things are just going to be a little slow this month.  please bear with me this is a rough time at the moment.   

I'll keep everyone posted on my mom condition.  Thanks for you understanding on this.



jesus man, shits really fucked