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여러분들 안녕하세요 janggun 입니다

이번 그림은 생각보다 늦어지고 있네요

몇일전에 지인에게굉장히 않좋은 일이 있었습니다 그것때문에 그 지인과 술자리를 갖게 되었는데

좀 과음을 하는 바람에 숙취로 거의 이틀 가까지 그림을 그리지 못했습니다 ㅜㅜ

그리고 이번 그림은 스케치를 너무 러프하게 그렸더니 이것을 정리하면서 묘사하는게 생각보다 오래 걸리고 있네요 ㅠㅠ

이와 같은 이유들로 그림을 완성하는게 늦어지고 있습니다

그래도 캐릭터 쪽은 거의 완성되었고 배경과 바리에이션 정도만 그리면 완성될것 같습니다

아마도 내일 저녁까지는 완성하지 않을까 하고 예상하고 있습니다

그래도 고생한 보람은 있어서 색감이나 캐릭터의 묘사가 아주 마음에 드네요

아무래도 너무 오래 업데이트가 없는것 같아 궁금하실분들이 계실것 같아 중간 보고 합니다

그럼 여러분들 주말 잘 보내시고요 무사시의 완성본도 기대해 주세요

감사합니다 :)

Hello everyone, this is janggun.

This painting is taking longer than expected.

A few days ago, something really bad happened to an acquaintance. Because of that, I had a drink with him.

I drank too much and had a hangover so I couldn't draw for almost two days.

Also, the sketch for this painting was drawn so roughly that it is taking longer than expected to organize and depict it.

For these reasons, there is a delay in completing the painting.

Still, the character side is almost complete, and I think I just need to draw the background and variations.

I expect that it will probably be completed by tomorrow evening.

Still, the hard work was worth it, and I really like the colors and character descriptions.

It seems like there hasn't been an update for too long, so I'm giving this interim report because I'm sure some of you may be curious.

Well, everyone, have a good weekend. Please look forward to the finished version of Musashi.

thank you :)




She's looking good! Hope you feel better!

瀚樵 崔

Take your time, hope your friend feels better soon:)


thank you for your concern It's difficult to mention it here because it's a private life, but the misfortune that is coming to that acquaintance is so great that it will probably be difficult for a while.