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여러분들 안녕하세요 janggun 입니다

현제 무사시의 진행상황 입니다

개인적으로 꽤 만족스럽게 그려지고 있습니다

원작의 무사시와는 약간 인상이 틀리긴 합니다만 최대한 얼굴을 이쁘게 그리는게 목적이었기 때문에 꽤나 만족스럽네요

그리고 리퀘스트 모집에 관한 공지입니다만 지금은 아직 5월달 그림도 많이 밀려있기 때문에 이번달은 리퀘스트 모집을 쉬도록 하겠습니다

현제 무사시가 5월달 패키지의 세번째 그림이고 아직 두장을 더 그려야 하기에 아무래도 이번달은 리퀘스트 모집을 진행 하기에는 무리가 있는것 같습니다

리퀘스트 모집을 기다리셨던 분들도 계실텐데 진행하지 못해서 정말 죄송합니다

다음 리퀘스트 모집은 7월달에 있을예정이니 참고 바랍니다

그럼 무사시의 완성본 기대해 주시고요

여러분들 모두 오늘도 좋은하루 되세요

Hello everyone, this is janggun.

This is the current progress of Musashi.

Personally, I'm quite satisfied with the drawing.

The impression is a little different from the original Musashi, but I'm quite satisfied because my goal was to draw the face as pretty as possible.

Also, this is an announcement regarding request collection, but since we still have a lot of pictures for May backlogged, we will be taking a break from request collection this month.

Currently, Musashi is the third drawing in the May package, and there are still two more to draw, so it seems difficult to collect requests this month.

I'm sure there are some people who have been waiting for requests to be collected, but I'm really sorry for not being able to proceed.

Please note that the next request collection will be held in July.

Well then, please look forward to the finished version of Musashi.

Have a good day everyone today




Awesome!! And hope for full-nude .ver...


Lovely to see, hope you're doing a pregnant one of her with a clit piercing.


Sorry, I didn't even know there was a comment due to personal issues these past few days. I will also draw an all-nude version.