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 First of all I want to thank all of you who have supported me strongly in this project, it has been a year since the start of this game, and little by little this game is improving on a large scale. 

 The result of the vote shows that they want the mansion even though it may take a while. Already the work of rendering every aisle of the mansion have begun. Because it is huge and the rooms can be confusing, you will be given a message indicating who the room belongs to. As I go through the weeks I will be placing important images of the development of the mansion. 

 Once again I thank all of you for staying by my side and supporting the project. 




Bueno yo no mas el mes pasado me pase a $10 por que me encanto la gran actualizacion que lanzaste asi que ahora que se viene otro gran cambio en el juego no puedo estar mas facinado de como introduces la idea de la masion al juego asi que hay teni todo mi apoyo 👍.