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Hello everyone,  I'm voting day. 

 As you know I'm working on a very basic version of the interactions that players have, with the girls. But I want to go much further than a few simple interactions. The idea I want to develop is a mansion. 

 After the events of Carol, Elena, Sasha, and Leonora. Our main character is transferred to a mansion. More than 11 rooms and 42 hallways. This mansion will be ideal to create real adventures of all kinds. 

 The problem as you already imagine is that this project takes a long time to develop. Like the different events that will happen, in the bathrooms, the kitchen and the swimming pool. A development similar to Olivia's will be used. If a girl is in the pool, you won't see her anywhere else until you've interacted with her. 

 It is important that you vote and make a decision if you want a simple version, or larger, but it will take a little longer. 



hmm.. good but i dont want delay release date so i hope focus story contents


Bueno me encanto la idea de la mansion pero como se ganaria el derecho de vivir hay, Le van a ofrecer para que lo compre o solo se lo van a ofrecer cuando consigua una sierta cantidad de novias o solo simpre se lo daran nomas?


puede cuando gane a algunas de sus rivales por el titulo de amo