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The joke here with "I never listen" really needs the reader to imagine Gilbert Gottfried doing the voice. Don Rickles could have done it. :) The joke started on page 9 and the punchline is on page 11. I get carried away sometimes. :)

Note bullet-riddled valentine poster on the wall. Daniel did some odd things in the corners, look for them.

Inkypus is doing the crowd noise chant from my theater training in the last panel. Gromish, gromish!



Sammy C

Never heard that one but I have been directed to use such nonsense words as "rhubarb," "walla," "watermelon," and "peas and carrots." A murmur went through the audience... Ha ha. Enjoying this, Erin. Keep it coming.


Another word used is natter, which may be the origin of to natter as a verb. :)