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Remi was back out in the garden bright and early (in the afternoon) on Monday. Quinn was fortuitous enough to be working from home and watching again. Hunched over the square of soil that would one day be a vegetable patch, Remi’s trowel patted down dirt over the bulbs she had planted. Dark flicks of hair hung over her eyes, but the October winds were lifting them too often to be worth trying to brush back.

The embroidered dungarees had arrived that morning, a little oversized but still sweet. Bees chased each other up the pant legs, and flowers bloomed from a pocket set into the chest. Underneath it, Remi had cushioned herself from the denim straps with a thick-knit jumper that rolled up under her dainty chin.

Quinn managed to get her Black Friday projections report in on time… just. There had been a few enquiries from Jordan as to why she hadn’t completed it early like usual, which Quinn fielded with excuses and diverted into gossip - Jordan’s number one topic of conversation. That was her off…

A sigh announced Remi’s return back indoors, sweaty and pink-faced.


Remi nodded, round cheeks bouncing a little. “That’ll be it till the spring.” And her eyes were already twinkling with excitement for it.

“It looks great.” Neatly-dug sections, filled with buried treasure: seeds and bulbs and fertiliser. There was still plenty of grass, and Quinn would take Remi to buy some furniture to decorate it with once the weather turned warm and bright again.

The sliding door sealed them inside. “Thank you, Alpha.”

Quinn huffed with an exasperated smile at her keyboard. As Remi walked past to the kitchen, she added, “You look great, too. Those dungarees are so cute on you.” They may not be figure-hugging, but that was Quinn's job anyway.

The flush of cold weather and hard work managed to deepen at the compliment. It made Quinn's mouth water, she wanted to pinch those pink cheeks between her teeth. Remi paused in the doorway, and the glance over her shoulder told Quinn what she wanted without needing to extend the bond this time.

Quinn wiggled her mouse and followed Remi through the swinging door.

The straps were already flapping at her thighs, and the knitwear came off in one sweaty pull. Unintentional sexiness was Remi's forte, and her mussed hair, sweat sheen, and barely-clinging-on clothes were Quinn's weakness.

When Remi spotted Quinn's appreciative grin, she pouted, the picture of innocence. "My clothes got dirty in the garden, they need to go straight into the wash."

"I'm never going to complain about you stripping anywhere in this house, Remi." As long as blinds were down or curtains closed - this wasn't a free-for-all. "I was just wondering if you wanted some help?"

Remi smiled and skipped back to her, the dungarees balancing at her hips shimmied a little further down. She hopped the final step to bring them toe-to-toe with a grin and wide arms. Her bare chest was goose-pimpled, and her nipples scrunched in defiance at losing their woolly protection.

Quinn threw the dungarees down and lifted Remi up at the waist in one smooth, looping motion. Placed, ever so gently, onto the island's quartz top, Remi giggled and swung her feet in the air. Only her panties and hair tie remained.

"This height suits you," Quinn murmured, taking advantage of her new stature to drag wet kisses along her flushed neck without having to bend her back. When she reached those perky, pinched nipples, she gave each one a kiss and then a weak bite, enjoying the sharp out-breaths Remi released.

Tilting backwards, Remi stretched out her pale tummy, displaying her scars for Quinn to lather with licks and pecks. Her thighs slid open with knees hooked over the edge and Quinn invited herself in tighter between them. Thinner, root-like lines crept around the edges, just far enough down that they would be hidden under shorts or maybe even longer underwear. They needed soothing, too. Quinn let one hand sink down, the other cradling Remi's chin in an attempt to support her descent, and stroked along the marks. A teasing tickle that ran under and over until she had circled the entirety of Remi's plush thighs, once each. Soft, a little sweaty, singing for Quinn's teeth to sink into them. Not yet. Waiting, patient but dripping, was the underwear tucked between them.

It was an easily replaceable item, so Quinn ripped it off and replaced the material with her fingers, plying Remi's lips open and stroking through her slick until it doubled and tripled. She toyed with her clit, tracing and flicking the tip until Remi squealed and kicked her feet. Enough teasing. Quinn kept a thumb to her clit and pressed a finger into Remi's soaked opening, rolling it in a wave-like motion to carve out just a little more space. Her insides were soft and stretchy and clinging to her no matter how she moved the invading finger.

“Ah! Q-Quinn!”

“Yes, baby?”

Remi cried out again, humping back against the intrusion, riding Quinn's hand like her personal toy. It was exactly what Quinn would beg her to do. Take your pleasure, Remi, all that you want. Her pouty mouth was open and panting, desperately chasing her release like a puppet on the hand of its owner.

“Good girl,” Quinn murmured into her hair.

Tiny fingers tugged messily at the waistband of Quinn's shorts, attempting to wriggle inside. Quinn puled them out and locked them with her own, tucking the pair behind Remi's back.

"Let me just look after you," she groaned. "I'll deal with myself later." And her body would not let her break that promise, her own clit was throbbing itself into a second heart between her lips and half the size.

Remi whined back and relaxed in Quinn's hold, not that there was any way for her to break free and flip the control. Unless she asked, of course. All Remi had to do was ask for anything in this world and Quinn would do everything physically possible to get it for her. She didn't ask, so Quinn gave her another finger.

She thrust them forward, back, curled up until Remi's toes did too. Every little whine and squeak was like a spark to the flame roaring inside of Quinn. Remi's sweet voice urging her on, calling for more.

“Pleasepleaseplease! QuinnQuinnQuinn!” she babbled.

As Remi climbed closer and closer to the edge, her upper body sunk lower and lower to the island top. A quiet hiss slipped between moans when the warm small of her back finally made flat contact with cool quartz. She was laid out like a feast for Quinn's eyes. One arm twisted under her, interlocked with Quinn's, the other covering her open mouth; torso shivering and stretched long, appearing especially pink against the white of the canvas beneath. Knees wide and ankles dangling, rocked solely by Quinn's touch.

Without the option to push against Quinn's hand, Remi took to keening and mewling to get what she wanted: more. Quinn obeyed, grinding her thumb harder into Remi's clit and jerking her fingers in and out so fast it filled the room with a filthy wet sound that had Quinn struggling not to hump Remi's leg.

When she came, her soft tummy jerked up from the island, knees pulled open just a little wider, and her fingernails dug into Quinn's hand. She hoped they marked.

“Quinn!” she sobbed.

“I’m here, Remi,” Quinn cooed. “Ride it out for me.”

Remi fell limp, panting interspersed with whimpers, and let her eyes close for a few moments of rest. Quinn took her hips between her hands and dragged her to the edge of the island to lick her clean.

When she pulled back, smacking her lips, she offered her hands to Remi. She rolled her teeny ones between her own, warming them a little. Only, as she tried to help her down from the island, Remi pushed them away.

"What's wrong?" Quinn asked, she let the rejected hands drop to Remi's thighs, stroking them subconsciously. "You'll catch a cold if you stay naked up here."

"I want to keep going," Remi mumbled.

"Keep going?"

"Everything, like the first time."

Quinn shifted from foot to foot. "Remi, I want you so badly, but we need to talk about our relationship before we go the whole way again."

"I don't have anything to say except that I'm happy, so tell me what you want to say about our relationship now and then we can do it."

Quinn laughed quietly. "That logic makes perfect sense because we're both blinded by horniness right now. We need to talk about things when we're sane." She slid her hands from thighs to waist to lift Remi down.

"No!" Remi's tone froze Quinn's lift. "Tell me what you want to tell me and then do it."

Quinn sighed and dropped Remi’s butt back to the counter. "I don't want you to ever feel like you're being used for your body," she admitted.

A sweet head tilt and a floppy top knot. "Are you using me for my body?"

"Of course not! I love you." That last part fell out without prior planning or permission but Remi didn't flinch so she decided to leave it in the air between them. She did love her, what was wrong with saying it anyway?

"Then what's wrong?"

"We're dating," she said. "We're moving towards being mates. We're not just screwing around." Remi nodded along with all three sentiments, a little confused but agreeing nonetheless. "But if something happened and we didn't end up becoming mates... I would never want you to feel like I took advantage of you, or think maybe I was never intending to make our relationship official."

Remi leant in close, meeting forehead-to-forehead. "But you are?"

"Of course!"

Remi combusted. She let out a high whine and kicked her feet and threw herself back on the island; and somehow Quinn was supposed to restrain herself from a naked, beautiful, dripping omega throwing a tantrum while spread on her kitchen counter top.

And while her willpower lasted a whole ten seconds, alpha instincts had to kick in eventually.

"Still," Quinn ordered, alpha voice in effect. Remi obeyed unthinkingly, her body responding without hesitation. She went limp and flat. Pupils fat. Eyelids drooping. "Drop your knees open and put your hands above your head." Again, instant and easy obedience.

Quinn turned away and left the kitchen. She took the stairs two at a time, collected her strap from her bedroom and returned with it fastened to her.

She shoved into Remi without any extra prep, and there was no resistance, only the squeeze of more slick pushing out around the thick pink cock. She was soaked, even after Quinn had so diligently licked up her mess. That wasn't a problem, Quinn's appetite for Remi was unending, the more for her to eat, the better,

Quinn fucked her delirious, incoherent, and barely conscious. And she wasn't much better off in the brain herself when they finished. The island top was sticky and warm when Quinn tapped Remi out for her own safety. Any more and she might need crutches. She curled her up into her arms and hobbled them both up to bed, wiggling her mouse again on the way past.


Nora Knox

Phase 1: Get the puppy out of her hidy den [COMPLETE] Phase 2: Get the big goofball to stop worrying and figure out that "puppy" is a phrase of endearment not mental capacity and that she knows what she wants (you, dingus) so just get to it! Lol Phase 3: We have to replan because 2 is taking too long Phase 4: Double back and give her old pack a right proper thrashing Phase 5: Puppies with the puppy. Suffer as I do, Quinn! 🙏😩


The endgame hobble, classic 😂