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Hey darlings - I'm back! 

Mini life update before we get into the good stuff: I followed Dr's orders and my vitals have all improved a lot over the last month 😊 Unfortunately, while doing my best not to stress, I got a fun phone call from the hospital to let me know that a test they did months ago is not fine after all and I have to go in for a bunch more. So, it feels like I'm back at the beginning again. I'm trying to keep chill, keep positive, and let people poke and prod me until I know more. 

Thank you all again for your patience and kindness 💛 Now onto the incoming chapters~

Below are the scheduled early access posts for this month:

5th - I am not your load to bear (ALLIANCE Book 3) - Chapter 9

10th - Alpha Assignment (BL & GL version) - Chapter 26

12th - Zephyr's Roots - Short Story Sequel to Leviathan's Breath (Kindly permitted to be shared by the commissioner)

17th - Alpha Assignment (BL & GL version) - Chapter 27

19th - Growing Pains Keeping Me Up At Night (The Bonnet Family Book 3) - Chapter 8

24th - Alpha Assignment (BL & GL version) - Chapter 28



Hi La Dee, thanks for updating us and I hope your health continues to improve!! Sending positive vibes your way 🙏🏼


So glad you’re doing ok. Keep taking care of yourself. Really looking forward to catching up with Quinn and Remi.