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"It's not hotel-standard but I did my best," Quinn announced, hoping his awkwardness wasn't visible.

Jordan gave a small smile, muted in comparison to his usual cheer. "Thanks, Quinn, I really appreciate it.” He rubbed his arms. “Would you mind if I took myself to bed now? I'm beat."

It was incredibly early, but Quinn wasn't going to argue with him. “Of course, it’s been a long and stressful day.” He walked him upstairs and wished him a good night at the door. Jordan ducked his head away when he closed it.

When he got back, Remi was sipping at his wine on the sofa.

"You like it?"

"Mm." Remi placed his glass on a side table without leaving his seat, a tough stretch for such short arms. "I have questions."

Quinn shut the living room door and took the space beside him on the sofa, attempting to lower himself slow enough that Remi wasn’t caught in the seat sink-hole it created when he dropped in. "I don't know anything about alcohol, but I'll do my-"


Quinn blinked. "No?"

Remi twisted onto his knees at Quinn's side, a deep, puffy pout drawing Quinn's eyes. It was possible that little Remi... was a little tipsy.

"No, I want to know... about mates. About... yours."

Quinn knew Remi didn't mean 'friends' when he said mates. Werewolf mates. The equivalent of 'getting serious' in a human relationship. Committed relationships with the eventual expectation of a ceremony. Of permanent marking.

"Um-" Quinn kept his tone lowered, acutely aware of Jordan upstairs. "I've never had a mate,” he admitted. “I've fooled around with people, but nothing so serious as to... you know, ask them to take a title. Have you eve-"

"Did anyone come close?"

"Not re-"

"Do you want to?” The questions fired too fast for Quinn to think of an answer, let alone say it. “Are you looking for someone?"

"Um, I-"

"What kind of person? Could it be a human? Do you have a type?" He said the word ‘type’ like it was something dirty.


"Do you imagine what they look li-"

Quinn snatched Remi by the t-shirt and shut him up with his mouth, capturing pouty lips in a greedy kiss. Greedy to a point that his body's cravings had taken control, taken what it wanted so desperately.

Because the answer was too difficult. Because Remi wouldn't give him a moment to think. Because even if he had all night he might not have the right words still.

How could he bear to explain that he had never had a clear idea of his 'type' or the mate he wanted, but that in the last two months it had morphed into a reflection of Remi? That when he pictured the future, it no longer included a shadowy figure that would be filled in later. Once he met the right person, he had told himself before, then it would fill with a face. A person he could never meet without integrating himself back into a pack. He hadn’t let himself dwell on it, the sinking, clawing loneliness that his future would entail.

But the shadow wasn't in his plans anymore. A tiny omega in oversized woolly clothing stood there now.

The kiss, the sweet, cloying taste of Remi, set Quinn’s body alight, as though it had triggered his deeply buried wolf-half to break free. The wolf that wanted to drag his omega away and do dirty unspeakable things to him until at least one full moon had passed. Quinn's self-control shattered under its howl of victory. With his grip tight against Remi's chest he dragged him into his lap by his fisted shirt, never breaking the kiss. Pale thighs were spread either side of his own, with Remi's knees barely reaching the sofa. The hand in his top slid over Remi's navel, brushing the tiny sliver of skin between it and his shorts. A shiver in his lap and Quinn had zero strength to restrain the groan against Remi's mouth. His wants, needs, verbalising out of his control. Both hands grabbed at Remi's hips, squeezing and teasing at the edges of the fabric, threatening to dip under and touch more. MORE. His body screamed for it. For all the things he could do with that teeny, tiny, peachy body. The pleasure he would bring to his omeg-

Quinn fought his way through the primal fog, bursting back into the cockpit and forcing his hands back to the seat beneath him. They broke apart, panting. And Remi's face contained only one emotion: shock.

Regret stabbed at Quinn's throat, puncturing, stealing his air.

"Remi," he croaked. "I'm so sor-"

Remi leant in close, a curious look sparkling from his deep, dark eyes. A ghost of a kiss bounced off Quinn's mouth, silencing him, and Remi pulled back again. He didn't vacate Quinn's lap. Not that Quinn minded the little weight.

Remi watched Quinn. Quinn watched Remi. Their chests heaved in the gap between.

He was flushed pink all over, eyes bright, with a tinge of confusion still coating his pretty features. Quinn wanted to say something, break the silence, make it okay again. But he'd already tried to say sorry and gotten cut off. He would stay still, and silent, and let Remi lead. Give him back the control he had stolen with his stupid primitive urg-

Remi kissed him again, and this time he didn't immediately retract. His lips pried Quinn's open and he let his weight fall forward, resting his hands against Quinn's chest. They dragged up and down and to the sides, feeling the muscle under his small hands. Their tongues touched in short, exploratory strokes. Hesitant, Quinn lifted his own hands again and slid them from Remi's knees to his thighs, and back to his hips, relishing in the petal-soft skin and its radiating warmth. He wanted so badly, so deeply, to mark it. With his hands, with his teeth, with his mouth.

They kissed and kissed, breaking only for a few seconds at a time to gasp or gaze at each other. Each kiss got longer and messier. Quinn was determined to replace the taste of wine in Remi's mouth with his own scent. Claiming him inside and out. His wolf still lingered at the back of his mind, still influencing his thoughts. The yearning for Remi was Quinn, the voice howling at him to act on it in depraved and feral ways was the wolf.

Remi began to rock his hips in Quinn’s lap, small humping motions against Quinn’s crotch that had his cock twitching. Desperate. Pulsing. Aching. But overly aware of the intoxication of the man in his lap. Quinn threw his head back against the sofa cushions behind and gripped Remi’s waist in his hands, shifting him back a few inches. Remi was dazed, lips puffy and hands still twisted in Quinn’s top. He frowned, as though questioning why Quinn would stop. His eyes were half-lidded, blinks slow. Now he was reaching the sleepy drunk stage.

And that was exactly why Quinn needed them to stop. If Remi wasn’t multiple glasses of cheap plonk deep, and was still grinding himself against him, Quinn would have wrecked Remi’s new bedroom decor by fucking him on every inch of it. But under the influence, absolutely not. Someone had to be the sensible one, and Quinn’s wolf definitely couldn’t be trusted with that responsibility.

“You need to sleep off the wine, Remi,” he murmured. “We can’t… this can’t go too far while you’re drunk.”

Remi’s expression dipped into a sulk. “’m not drunk.”

“Just a bit tipsy, then,” Quinn conceded.

A high whine almost sent Quinn feral. His nails dug into the couch cushions for a few moments while he caught his breath. An omega’s whine was… something else. He blew out slowly, regaining composure. Remi was still frowning so sweetly.

“Please trust me when I say I don’t want to stop.” He didn’t want to ever stop. He wanted to shove his tongue in Remi’s small mouth and suck on his pointed pink tongue. He wanted to grind Remi against him until he came in his adorable shorts. “But we need to see how you feel in the morning.”

Remi’s head tilted, sending his bouncing hair with it.

“When you’re sober again, we can kiss more. I’ll kiss you all day long if that’s what you want. But if you wake up tomorrow and you don’t feel… the way you do now, we never have to talk about it again.”

“A whole day of kisses?” Remi repeated, his words slurred.

“A whole day,” Quinn promised.

“Fine.” Remi slumped forward, letting his chin rest on Quinn’s shoulder and mouthing a little at his neck. Looks like it was up to Quinn to get them to their respective rooms, then.

He carried Remi to his bed, prying him off when he tried to bush baby Quinn’s chest at the last moment, and tucked him in with a selfish forehead kiss. On his way past his own bedroom, he took a moment to listen near the door, but heard nothing.

On the sofa, with a few fluffy blankets layered over him, and both feet hanging over the end, Quinn laid awake all night, dreading Remi’s decision in the morning.


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