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The hall of the main house squirmed with people. Reece was peeking from behind the door at the back of the small stage - observing the congregation. Dreading the cue to step onto the platform and face them all at Marshall’s side. He bitterly wondered if Darcy had to parade about in front of strangers, too. He hated the pageantry. Who decided that an alliance announcement couldn’t be an email?

It was exciting that the negotiations had been successful, though. The Charred Crescent rarely took up written alliances with anyone, resting on their charm and likeability. Or rather, the charm and likeability of Alpha Marshall. After weeks of meetings, Reece’s soul-mate had signed an agreement to connect his pack with the Pearl Claw. Binding them to Reece’s best friends’ pack, hopefully for their lifetimes.

An enormous hand curled around the back of his neck and yanked him backwards. He fell into Marshall’s chest, and the door was closed in front of him.

“Eager to prove yourself?” Marshall murmured. The gravelly tone rumbled against Reece’s ear.

Reece shivered. He knew he wasn’t being asked about his public speaking skills. Deep inside of him, Marshall had wedged a silicone toy. Getting it in had been no problem. It was the remote control in Marshall’s suit pocket that had him nervous.

A guard popped his head round the door and gave them a thumbs up: attendance was full.

“Good morning, Charred Crescent.” Marshall barely needed the mic balanced atop the podium. His confident tone carried through the room easily. “Thank you so much for gathering here today. As many of you know, we have been in communication with the Pearl Claw with the intention of establishing an alliance-”

Reece was the only person near enough to hear the click.

A low thrum began, radiating out to his lower back. Reece’s exhale was slightly shuddered, but he maintained his composure. A light massage, and nothing more. Yet.

When Marshall confirmed that an agreement had been reached, and Charred Crescent were officially allied with the Pearl Claw, a wave of cheers and chatter broke out. Marshall gave them a few moments to calm.

It couldn’t be heard over the din, but Reece felt the jump in power. The vibrations shot up a notch and he hurriedly covered the jerk of his hands with a polite clap, joining in with the audience. He thanked his past self for the wisdom to double up his tightest underwear. His dick was already trying to fight its way upright. He’d take pain over humiliation any day.

Reece had learned from Marshall that he liked pain.

The room quieted naturally and Marshall began explaining some of the terms of the agreement. Any changes or rules that may affect the general public. One hand remained on the podium, the other in his trouser pocket.

The duality of ‘Alpha Marshall’ and his soul-mate Marshall baffled and turned Reece on in equal measure. Stood in front of the pack, knowing what a demon the man beside him really was, had his cock straining even harder. Nothing turned him on like the knowledge that no one could ever know his mate like he did.

And now they were flaunting it right under their noses.

The intensity increased, and Reece’s insides began to twitch involuntarily around the device. His breaths were shallow. If he took in too much air, he felt the squeeze in his lower stomach even harder. His dick may be pinned down from view, but the precum dribbling from his tip had already wet the circumference of the head. Eventually, the damp patch would be viewable under the bright lights.

Reece glanced over at Marshall’s podium again and attempted not to look wistful. His soul-mate had his erection tucked into the hollow space beneath the microphone. Blocked from view for his adoring pack members. He was safe.

The next click seemed louder and the buzzing inside of him became so strong it felt like the toy was trying to dig deeper. Tunnelling its way to his stomach. Maybe Reece’s senses were heightened, but the sound of it seemed as loud to his ears as Marshall’s voice. His eyes flickered anxiously over the crowd. No one was paying him any attention. He dropped his eyes to his tummy, expecting to see it shaking under his shirt. Nothing.

He realised he had been holding his breath and released it with another restrained shudder. The damp in his underwear had reached his balls. He silently begged Marshall to hurry the fuck up with his long-winded speech.

Reece locked his hands behind his back, fingers wriggling against each other in a desperate attempt to draw blood away from his crotch and keep himself occupied on anything but the gut shaking vibrations. It was all he could do.

The last level, he didn’t hear the click. Reece’s brain was numb. No longer able to register if Marshall was still speaking, if the eyes were still boring into them. All of his concentration was being drained with the effort of keeping himself upright.

A firm hand took his elbow and spun his back to the crowd. He vaguely registered voices chattering behind him.

As soon as they were sealed in the room behind the stage again, he dropped to his knees. Marshall’s fingers dug through his hair, catching his head in his grip and tilting his face upwards.

“Please,” Reece whimpered. “Off. Everything off.” His clothes. His underwear. His pride. He needed Marshall to take all of it. Immediately.

Marshall smiled wickedly down at him. “Open your mouth and let’s see how badly you want it.”



That's the last part of Reece & Marshall's bonus story! Melody & Summer's will begin next Sunday 💖