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This is what my story/series plans look like! (With spoilers redacted, of course 😉 )

When I come up with a story it usually starts as an info dump. I have a whole folder of word docs that are all just info dumps, scraps of dialogue, etc.

I then take all of the notes/bits that I have accumulated and start squeezing them into this structure that I use for all of my story plans:


This one is self-explanatory, but sometimes I put a few different title ideas, or keywords up there.


I track my word count every day, so I have a word count section on every story plan.


This is the summary that I will use on public platforms. This usually gets filled in last.



These are both kind of obvious but it makes my life so much easier to keep notes on everything about the people and places!


My outlines don't often read as what most might consider an outline, because sometimes they are very long! But this is where I dump all of the things that I want to happen. Sometimes I fit a whole plotline into one sentence and sometimes I'll detail a whole scene because there's specific actions I want the characters to take.


This is where all the chunks of usable content are stuffed! I continue to dump bits of dialogue and small scenes here even while I'm writing other chapters, that way I can use them in the future!

Not all of the headings have to have anything under them if it doesn't fit, like I didn't feel the need to keep setting notes for Beta Bully when there are only  four main locations in the story: School -> Darcy's Pack -> Luca/Luna's Pack -> Nature Reserve

All of my stories are laid out the same way once they graduate from infodump to the planning stage and I keep this plan open until the last chapter is finished 😊

I'll be making some more behind-the-scenes posts at some point because I love rambling about how I make my stories. The only thing I don't always know is where they come from!



Silver Ceowulf

This requires organization skills that far exceed my own. I'm lucky if I can find matching socks half the time haha.


Hahaha thank you! That's very kind, but it took me almost 5 years to finally get some proper organisation 😅 Back when I was writing the Mates & Marks series I had a notebook for all my character & settings notes, and then a word doc for the plot outline - it was madness! I'm very surprised I don't get called out more for inconsistencies 😂