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Beta Bully & CMAYB&M early access chapters are now up! I didn't manage to finish chapter 2 of Idol Survival, unfortunately.

I had flu all week but wasn't able to take any time off work due to some big deadlines so I was really banking on this weekend to get lots of writing and editing done. I'm still very drained, to be honest, so I focused on BB all day because that's my priority at the moment :) 

My cat did his best to help by swiping his butt across my keyboard a bunch of times, I think it really brought something special to my use of punctuation.

I think updating my series publicly 4 days a week and then on Patreon 4 times over the weekend might be a bit much. I keep telling myself that once Beta Bully is finished I'll drop the amount of series I work on at the same time down to 2 a week. But... the plot of another Beta/Omega story is already forming (different characters, brand new story) and I kind of want to do the triple-gender-versions thing again with that... Maybe I'm mad, and it will definitely be my own fault if I spontaneously combust from the stress hahaha

Have a great week! New early access chapters will be out at the weekend <3


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