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Well, I know this is a surprise. I've been pretty laid back on writing on this, which I shouldn't be. You guys support me, and I appreciate it. It's been a big deal to me that this keeps me from having to go back to work full time again and I can usually just do a quick freelance job to keep my head above water.

Especially with how the economy is. Hell, I figure everyone else is hurting as bad as I am. The little things, like buying the cheaper version, or just giving up a little luxury here and there. I know that can weigh on you, so if it's between supporting me and taking care of yourself, well, you know where I stand on that.

I had someone recently ask me what it's like being popular on the internet.

They didn't get them when I told them I'm not popular on the internet. I'm not even popular on reddit, I'm popular with a certain segment of readers on a subreddit and the fans of my work. It kind of seemed to confuse them.

This month has been rough on me physically. I didn't take care of myself too well when I was younger, figuring if it didn't kill me outright, I'd be able to handle it later. I also never figured I'd live this long, to be honest. I figured something would take me out.

Now I have to live with it.

The VA has told me plainly, there's nothing they can do for my rotator cuffs. They're offering pain killers, but so far I've resisted because, well... <looks at what Oxy did to entire communities> I'm not so sure I want to start taking pain killers regularly.

That means I live with the nerve damage in my right arm, the impingement of blood flow, the pain in both shoulders.

No, this is not a retirement post.

Can't stop, won't stop.

Once the Dark Ages wraps up, which will probably be early November, we're moving into Nova Wars.

Now, you're probably wondering whose going to be the big threat this time.

I'm not bringing any of the previous threats back. Well, not as they'd be recognized.

Who is the threat?

When it hit my brain who it was, where it came from, I realized that the ENTIRETY of First Contact was just to set the stage, so to speak. You've seen them, you just don't know it. Hell, I didn't know it until it appeared in my brain.

The Confederacy will back with all the species you know and love. From the redeemed Lanaktallan to the Telkan to the Greenies to the Treana'ad to the Pubvians to the Rigellians to the Mantids.

It'll be interesting to see where we're going to go. I just know some generic information. Stuff that I know my brain is letting me see so I know what ingredients are going into the stew.

We'll know what we're getting once we start cooking.

Well, anyway, this is getting long.

I'm having the Behold-Humanity.com page updated. I'm also going to be doing a 3 and a 5 book bundle of the early books, once Amazon gets back to me about it. (You have to work with Amazon directly for bundles)

I'm also thinking about doing a Kickstarter for signed hardbacks. Something like 10 different tiers, each tier contains 1 more book than the last. Not sure how many to do. Also thinking of seeing how much it'd cost me to get bookmarks or something neat to add in. Thinking of doing a limited run of 10 orders for each tier.

Not sure how much interest there would be in that one.

Anyway, I'm starting to ramble.

Hope everyone is doing good.

And remember: Get the candy before you get in the ban.



George the Top Hat Viking

Would love to support something like a kickstarter for hardcover books. Only reason I haven't bought copies is because I don't like purchasing anything from Amazon if I can help it


Painkillers scare the hell out of me too. They gave me a bottle of morphine when I was dealing with kidney stones. I'm a wuss when it comes to pain but I just put it in a drawer and walked away. It's still there, untouched. It's not the same thing but I know where you are coming from.