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So, there's been delays on other fun stuff on my work lately.

Part of it is, my shoulders. You know, the ongoing issues.

The other part is, well... my wife was badly sick for a month or two. She's getting better now, but for a while it was pretty depressing and worrying. That meant I didn't exactly have the time I used to.

That's one thing, I never seem to have any time. I'm running from one thing to the next like crazy.

Still, I make time for writing, that's just the way it is.

I'll try to pay more attention to this space.





Glad to hear she's getting better!


You were taking care of your wife and yourself instead of making your life revolve around me... um... us? How dare you have your priorities in proper order! I'm going to go sulk in a corner while you give your lady a nice back rub.