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Well, I'm on the mend.

VA figured out what it was (hospital misdiagnosed me, surprise surprise) and put me on heavy antibiotics for two weeks.

Other than that, my New Year went pretty good. My daughters had an interesting New Year. Just the normal stuff of a furnace locking up, hitting debris on the highway and blowing two tires, a fridge dying, and me ending up hospitalized.

But I'm back.

I hope everyone got their Christmas Cards in time. Next time I'm gonna start sooner, like, October or May.

Thanks for donating the past year or more, or even if it was a one time thing. You've made it so I can just tighten the belt and don't have to go back to working some crappy job where I'm freezing my ass off.

I hope everyone has a good second week of 2023.

I'll post in a couple days, my thoughts on where we are and what's going on.

Oh, and Book 9 is in editing and cover art creation.





I just received my Christmas card and it's lovely.


I hope you get to feeling better. It just takes time. I got my card. I love it! That meme is so funny. In El Paso, we get so little snow that people never really learn to drive in it. When it does snow, WOW. We stay home. I have lived up north and know how to drive in it. 99.9% of the people, no way.