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Some prey are skilled at evading would-be preds. They have a knack for keeping themselves undigested. Others... not so much ❤

Maybe some time in a naga's tummy will improve poor Sachiho's dodging abilities~...

✿ ✿ ✿ ❤ ✿ ✿ ✿

Drawn for practicing my approach to lighting :D The background is taken entirely from the game Echidna Wars DX, and modified only slightly. The aim was to place a character of my own into the scene, and make her fit in with the background as closely as possible.

This exercise proved simple enough for now. All the in-game characters are brightly lit. The next time I practice lighting will be with more shadow and a discernable light-source. I'm working up to reliably being able to highlight features on a character's body without lineart.

Eventually I also want to mess around with pixel-art, but I know that's a skillset all on its own! 0w0




Naga predators are always so good to see. :3

