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I'm so sorry about missing last week's livestream and upload occasions.

The second half of May slowly grew into more and more of a trainwreck for me =,= At first I got sick for a few days, and when I got better I wanted to return with something to show.
I fell into a bad routine. The longer I was away, the more I wanted to show for it, and I couldn't keep up with that personal goal.
What made this worse is that I was jumping between in-progress drawings too much, which broke focus on a respective project, and everything I put together I didn't end up liking.
A sequence of real-life events at work and with family only further pressed things more until recently.

I let all this get to me, and I sincerely apologize. I'll make sure this kind of lapse doesn't happen again. It's unprofessional, and I was indulging in unhealthy coping mechanisms too.  Namely, isolating myself was the least constructive thing I could have done.

I am cutting similar tomfoolery out of my regular habits, and will instead cope with constructive activities, namely drawing! ❤

I have high hopes for this month, and want to get plenty out again, including those reaction images I mentioned before :D I'm really keen to give them a try in Discord and on the Livestream. Gotta figure out where to upload them first :3c

More to come again soon! ✿




Dude, no hard feelings around here. We all struggle with life and responsibilities as well. Do your thing, no worries.


Don't rush yourself man, just draw at a comfortable pace. You're EASILY my favorite artist in this genre, so I don't want to lose you. ^_^