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TL;DR included at the bottom! :)

I've been considering a few ways my Patreon could and should work. Lewd vore, fun extras and meaningful rewards are the aim of the game ❤ However, in trying to figure out how to best achieve these goals, I've narrowed down some key priorities, which I'll focus my attention to in the foreseeable future.

First, the below are some of the issues I've identified with how I've been doing things:

  • I have taken on a workload that I continuously struggle to keep up with.
  • There is an intrusive, pervasive melancholy towards my own work, and I feel it has been showing in my end results.
  • My growth as an artist should be faster. I know I should be putting out better quality art, but I'm not getting there.
  • I do not have a predefined artistic style for myself, that I can reliably make use of when a more elaborate or "fancier" presentation is not needed.
  • There are a number of Patrons and other fans that would like to see a commission done, but I can't reach a point where I can comfortably accept new projects.
  • Existing projects take too long to finish, much longer than is ideal.
  • I have not kept up with correspondence from my different art accounts, due in part to this negative outlook toward my abilities.

More often than not I like to take an optimistic approach to things, and while I feel this trait greatly helps me invent my own brand of voracious shenanigans, I also regularly underestimate how much time a given idea will take to realize. This is compounded by most of my week being taken up by a regular day-job.

The melancholy I mention stems in part from my lack of sufficient artistic growth. More and more I've only been seeing what I did "wrong" in a finished drawing, and the lack of pride in what I do has started to hold me back. 

Keeping all this in mind, I've come up with the below changes in pursuit of a more streamlined Patreon, and in the hopes of better earning your Patronage with better art:

  • Most of the drawings I put out should be in color! ❤ Experimentation with different artistic approaches could make this possible.
  • Livestreams will not occur as often, with most drawings worked on and completed offline.
  • Primary focus now shifted to completing all or most of the waiting projects, before the end of 2018.
  • Polls will temporarily occur less often, and be repurposed to assist in catch-up work. For example, choices will be made available on which waiting project you'd most like to see completed next.
  • Added effort on my part will go into refining my stylistic approach, in the hopes of putting out higher quality art, more often, in less time.
  • More liberal use of WIP (work in progress) uploads, to show off what's being worked on, and to catalog overall progress.
  • Reward Tiers will be replaced with a single tier for now, until I can set up a meaningful structure for rewarding different levels of Patronage.
  • First chance at Commission Slots will eventually become a primary reward for Patronage :D
  • Half-scale raw project files in SAI or PSD formats will soon be available to Patrons as an added bonus, with each new, finalized art upload.

In terms of how I've been approaching my art, I had the impression that full-color works take me the longest to make. To get around this, I would instead do "sketchier" or monochrome drawings. What happens instead is that I spend SUCH a long time experimenting and stylizing in pursuit of adequate contrast, I might as well have splashed some proper color down anyway X'D
This is partly why I'll be hosting fewer livestreams, as I'm less prone to substantially experiment during a show, to avoid going back and forth too much. The extra time should help me better develop and refine a standard style that features color, is pleasant to the eye, and most importantly, is extra gurgly! >:3

For the more immediate future, I plan to upload drawings from the recent streams very soon, and November's calendar should be up later this week or weekend. The changes to the Tiers and my Patreon page description will also follow in the next few days :)

I'm feeling positive about the improvements these changes might bring, and I hope these sound good to you too! Do let me know if you have some thoughts on this in the comments below.
Should you choose to discontinue your support because of these changes, I definitely understand. If I'm no longer providing something you originally became a Patron for, I'm no longer earning it from you.
A huge thank-you in advance if you continue supporting my drawings here, and either way I'll keep on working to churn up the kind of vore you know me for =^ u ^=

Will be in touch again soon. Until then, stay tasty out there~! ✿

-- TL;DR --
Changes to Patreon Tiers and Description coming soon.
Practical overhaul to how I'll make drawings for us :D
Fewer polls and streams will take place for the time being.
More use of color going forward.
Focus shifted to unfinished, waiting projects for the next two months.


Elle Adeline

It's always easiest to find fault in your own work, especially when you take pride in it. I've seen this so many times with my own work, whether it be rope, visual art, writing, or otherwise. Do what you need to be satisfied, but don't get too down on yourself, alright? =3


interesting changes. I look forward to them!