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Let's see what the theme will be for June!!!



Voting for Fairytale! I want to see more Alice and Wonderland minis get made after seeing the ones being done for the kickstarter! Hoping to also get most of the cast.


Really hope that artic monsters will be the theme, imagine how universal mammoths and ice(/dire) bears can be


Also: Snow Fox, Sabertooth, Ice Elemental...there is so much potential


Im sorry, we need a theme that includes fantasy monsters, as that is what this Patreon is based on.


We have big plans for adventures/characters in a different project!


Usually if a request isnt up, its a good chance we have big plans for it in a major upcoming project.


Ok i vote for artic Monster! It's awesome! We waiting for characters new project info! Yheaa


I am actually not a DnD/RPG player, can anyone explain me what we could expect with shadowfell/feywild ?


Blight would be a interesting one for what's going on ;)

Joe Kushner

Asian Adventurers? I'd love to see some samurai, monks, and other bits. Maybe some dwarves and spirit folk.


Shadowfell is basically the land of death and decay. the opposite of the feywild, which is the realm of nature and life. Basically Shadowfell would have probably undead, spirits, wraiths, that sort of thing, and feywild would probably have pixies, dryads, potentially lycanthropes, plant monsters, and potentially things based on the 4 seasons. But this will be RPG's own take, so it'd be interesting to see where they take it!


I like the Fairy Tales one so we can add to the Patreon bonuses for the KS. Those have really gotten me thinking about how I'm going to ruin my player's childhoods (insert evil laugh here).


I hope so :) Mine seemed to get a lot of love but isn't there :)


We will leave this up until Wednesday and then post early request threads for the actual minis in the theme!

Christofer K.

Tooooo many great options 😅

Am Queue

I voted forr mad scientists because there's more room for the colllective imagination of RPG to go wild!


Hey will you guys ever do a fantasy football theme for a game like Blood Bowl??

Christofer K.

I originally voted blight, b ut since it seems unlikely to pick up enough votes I switched to Fairy tales/children's Nightmares in hopes that it will catch up :D