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Let's find out what we will make for the Monster Miniatures Set for March! 

We will make the top 8 minis in the poll!



Joshua Grandt

I was hoping Cat folk would be on the list! Wonderful!. I like that you added animal folk for this coming set, however it would be great to have 2-4 variants. That way it can be "animal folk" and not "animal person" I like your take on turtles but I just wanna see more!


It's a shame so many people vote for mini's that won't regularly be used in a game, but rather sit on a shelf.

Michael Warren

Come on people can we get the Firbolg at least in the top 8. Nobody makes these miniatures except for their last one, and it would be cool to see more variations of this race.


Only the same mini's would exist then, not everyone plays tabletop either I print to paint so the more unique the better.


Astral Necromancer seems to be getting a lot of votes so far, any hint as to the inspiration for what the design of this would be like? I can't really think of what to imagine it would be from the name




These are all wonderful options, but do you think it would be possible to be able to have multiple votes? Especially since top 8 will win. The way it is right now, I would love the cat folk, but seeing it has so many votes already, it would make more sense for me to go for my second-best. But of course, if everyone does this, cat folk will have no more votes, even though it was the favorite of many! This seems really unfair to me. If I were able to have multiple votes, I would vote my top 8 and be a lot more satisfied.


Raven Queen? Is that a nod to the show Schitts Creek? If so, bravo. And if not, it'll be a cool figure anyway!


In 5E D&D, she rules the realm of shadows and watches souls pass to the outer planes


the choices get stranger each time...where the hell are people taking these from? I would really prefer something actually usable in a game. in this vote that amounts to "cat folk". There is already a "necromancer" in the store...I would really prefer some goblins, hobgoblins, orcs, kobolds, zombies, skeletons...things you actually need more than 1 off, so printing is worthwhile...maybe next time. (yes, I know these "basic" minis are offered on other patreons, but I'm subbing this one as I like rocketpiggames art-style...and its supportless!)


Patreon only allows 1 choice or as many as you want. We tried the latter it it didnt work well. It makes tie breaking almost impossible.


I compiled a image gallery of the non-super-obvious creatures on the poll to help you all make your choices. A couple I didn't put on here because I have no idea (The Red Elf, Astral Necromancer) Disclamer: This is obviously not necessarily the art or even the interpretation of the creature that RPG is going with, just my best guess and google search: https://imgur.com/a/sJoBFnw


This is my third time requesting the dire snake, I hope that I will have more luck than the Leshen guy^^

Michael Warren

Not sure when the poll closes so last ditch effort. If the miniature you want doesn’t really have a chance of cracking the top 8 I ask that you switch your vote to the Firbolg. They are an up and coming race being used in D&D and besides the last one RPG made, it is hard to find a variety of models of this race. So let us band together and make a push for 8!!

Joe Kushner

Surprised that the 'Red Elf" is clocking in at #4. Good to see it up there. Some dudes in hooded cloaks with rune blades are always awesome.


Gah! Shifted from Garuda to Boar Folk not to have others back out of Boarfolk. So I then shifted to Loxodon—here’s hoping they make it across the line.

Joe Kushner

I was the one who brought up the Red Elf https://www.lucideyepublications.com/ I love dudes in stoic poses with hooded cloaks and awesome, swords


Kinda sad Jubjub keeps losing.


dang it I missed it. Not that it would have mattered...could we just add a quaggoth mini to the loot bag :)